how to get more than one column in one column with distinct value.

  • hi,



    drop table #t

    create table #t (tid int,c1 varchar(35),c2 varchar(35),c3 varchar(35))

    insert into #t (tid,c1,c2,c3) values (1,'t','t','c')

    insert into #t (tid,c1,c2,c3) values (2,'r','r','r')

    insert into #t (tid,c1,c2,c3) values (3,'r','r1','r2')

    insert into #t (tid,c1,c2,c3) values (3,'r','r1','r1')


    c1 + case when c1=c2 then '' else ','+c2 end + case when c1=c3 then '' else ','+c3 end

    from #t


    problem is in fourth row, so I found that I have to find permutation and combination to do it, and on the other hand I have 13 cols.

    So I thought to unpivot and then find the distinct and thereafter pivot it again. Which is lengthy.

    So is there any easy way to do it?

    Yours sincerely




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  • rajemessage 14195 wrote:

    So I thought to unpivot and then find the distinct and thereafter pivot it again. Which is lengthy.

    Yes imo you've got the right ideas unpivot and re-pivot is what's happening.  You could use STRING_AGG to do the re-pivoting and then it's a question of being careful about the ordering.  Maybe something like this.  I added 2 additional rows to the input to demonstrate the (questionable) necessity to include the 'c' column of the unpvt_cte in the ORDER BY of the STRING_AGG function.

    drop table if exists #t;
    create table #t (tid int,c1 varchar(35),c2 varchar(35),c3 varchar(35));

    insert into #t (tid,c1,c2,c3) values

    with unpvt_cte as (
    select t.tid, unpvt.c, min(unpvt.ord) min_ord
    from #t t
    cross apply (values (1, t.c1),
    (2, t.c2),
    (3, t.c3)) unpvt(ord, c)
    group by t.tid, unpvt.c)
    select tid, string_agg(c, ',') within group(order by min_ord, c) new_string
    from unpvt_cte
    group by tid
    order by tid;


    tid new_string
    1 t,c
    2 r
    3 r,r1,r2
    4 r,r1,r2

    Without the c column of the unpvt_cte the results

    tid new_string
    1 t,c
    2 r
    3 r,r1,r2
    4 r,r2,r1

    So the ordering in this example depends on: 1) the left/right appearance by column number, and 2) the alphabetical ordering of the data elements

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