The Choice of SQL Server Version

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Choice of SQL Server Version

  • I think it is way too early to "call" SQL Server 2022 as a version that most organizations will skip. Many organizations are on SQL Server 2016 and older, and if/when they decide to upgrade, it makes more sense to go to SQL Server 2022 rather than 2019 at this point. SQL Server 2019 falls out of mainstream support on Feb 28, 2025.

    SQL Server 2019 - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Learn

    The fact that Microsoft did not release SQL Server 2022 CU1 for three months after GA probably slowed down the evaluation and certification process at a lot of organizations. Not having an RTM version of SSMS 19.0 was another factor that has hurt early SQL Server 2022 adoption.

  • One of the things that people seem to forget it that it was almost 2023 by the time 2022 came out.  It may have gone past the "plan the funding for the next year" point.  I also suspect that a whole lot of people are like me... I wait to see what happens in the field before doing upgrades.  I also don't know if it's just super increased complexity or to much old garbage code or people simply not doing proper testing but it seems like the "new deployment" failures from MS have increased a lot over the last decade.  I mean, lordy... look at what happened with CU4 already.

    To Glen's point, we're upgrading from 2016.  2017 was too close and 2019 seemed to have a shedload of issues that we didn't want to contend with.  Considering some of the things they fixed like STRING_SPLIT() and GENERATE_SERIES() along with some of the new bit-wise are going to make things a little easier.

    Some of the improvements with "talking with S3" might help us with some backup/restore plans we've been thinking about.

    The big thing is that we upgrade hardware and Windows at the same time in a migration instead of anything "in-place".  "In-place" upgrades never seem truly safe to me.  It's usually the proverbial "7 year itch" thing for us.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • The reason why I'm calling it is that there's near-zero adoption of 2022 development servers.

    I didn't see that with 2019 - people started putting it into development environments right away, playing around with it, even before it was released. I'm not seeing that with 2022 - even after the release, the vast majority of shops aren't even putting it in dev yet. That's a leading indicator.

  • in my shop we are now looking into it - but zero installs (other than 1 for DBA to test) for now.

    and being delayed as MS patching on OS (from June, and again in September/October) has broken (and will break even further) domains with old OS'es attached to the domain. major panic going on so SQL is bottom of list.

  • I am a ConstantCare customer and had simply forgotten to add my 2022 server to it 🙂

    We only have a Dev server at the moment but I will be building the UAT and Prod servers in the  next few weeks.

    We are also at the mercy of vendors and had to go to 2019 with the last 2008R2 upgrade because that was the latest version the vendor supported but 2022 would be my go to for any new servers.


  • We are in the process of building out an entire new network. When it came time to build the SQL Servers, 2022 hadn’t dropped yet so we deployed 2019. The build out has taken so long to make any progress that 2022 was released and out for a while and we still weren’t to the point of testing any of our SQL Servers based applications. So, we uninstalled 2019 and installed 2022. At the rate this build out is moving 2019 will be close to EOL by the time we go live. Any of the features in 2022 that aren’t full baked yet aren’t things we’re going to be using anyway.

  • CU6 should be the 'green flag'.


  • We are in the process of rolling out SQL Server 2022 to production. Hopefully getting the first environment done after the Summer. The dealbreaker for us was Azure AD authentication.

  • djpeter27 wrote:

    We are in the process of rolling out SQL Server 2022 to production. Hopefully getting the first environment done after the Summer. The dealbreaker for us was Azure AD authentication.

    What do you mean by "dealbraker".  Does that mean that you're not going to upgrade to 2022?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • No the other way around. The Azure AD authentication is the reason why we will start migrating existing environments to SQL Server 2022. Bad workding from my part, sorry about that. This things happen when you are not native speaker of English.

  • djpeter27 wrote:

    No the other way around. The Azure AD authentication is the reason why we will start migrating existing environments to SQL Server 2022. Bad workding from my part, sorry about that. This things happen when you are not native speaker of English.

    So more like the dealmaker.

    Trying to figure out the world of SQL as marketing consultant for SQL Solutions Group

  • Brent Ozar wrote:

    The reason why I'm calling it is that there's near-zero adoption of 2022 development servers.

    I play with SQL2022 on Docker Desktop - maybe other people are doing the same. We have a number of SQL2016 and SQL2017 VMs which we will probably upgrade to SQL2022 later next year but we will not even start looking at this until January.


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