When it comes to query performance, lately the Cardinality Estimates seems to have been a hot topic with each new release of SQL Server. How it is making query optimizer smarter, helping it to generate more and more efficient query execution plans, making queries run faster without you having to change or optimize your code.
At a very basic level, Cardinality Estimator is an estimate of row count for each operation in the query, especially for columns used in filter conditions (aka the WHERE CLAUSE) and columns used in JOIN PREDICATES.
The following description and warning included with the SSMS create Extended Events wizard should be self-explanatory why the cardinality estimates matter.
Inaccurate Cardinality Estimates
Occurs when an operator outputs significantly more rows than estimated by the Query Optimizer. Use this event to identify queries that may be using sub-optimal plans due to cardinality estimate inaccuracy. Using this event can have a significant performance overhead so it should only be used when troubleshooting or monitoring specific problems for brief periods of time.
- The optimizer will allocate too much memory to the query, resulting into wasted memory. If it happens too often then it can starve the SQL Server out of memory, cause spills to disk, hard paging etc.
- The query will get executed with a parallel plan when a serial plan would not only have been faster but also avoid possibilities of the infamous CXPACKET waits
- The optimize is more likely to choose scanning the entire index vs. seek.
How these estimates are calculated?
While the internal algorithm's evolve and keep changing, in general the Optimizer uses the statistics created on the underlying objects/tables. Statistics are implicitly/automatically created when any index is created, you can also create them separately, independent of any index. And finally, SQL Server will also automatically create statistics it needs if the AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS setting is ON for the database. There are three key information in statistics:
- The header that includes among other, last update date, number of rows sampled etc.
- Index density that measures the uniqueness of a column. Low density indicates higher uniqueness and vice-versa
- Histogram that shows number of distinct values in a column and and distribution of the data in it. Take for example the distribution of data for Code column with 5 distinct values:
There are three key information in statistics:
- The header that includes among other, last update date, number of rows sampled etc.
- Index density that measures the uniqueness of a column. Low density indicates higher uniqueness and vice-versa
- Histogram that shows number of distinct values in a column and and distribution of the data in it. Take for example the distribution of data for Code column with 5 distinct values:
If there is an index (hence also have statistics on column values) on the Code column, assuming the stats are up to date and accurate, the Optimizer is (rightfully so) more likely to use Seek against that index for the following query because it knows from the statistics that the the index contains much fewer records for Code = 'E'.
SELECT * FROM Blood_Type WHERE Code = 'E';
If the filter condition instead contain Code = 'F', the Optimizer is more likely to not only ignore the index but instead do a full scan on the table/clustered index!
Creating the extended event
To create the extended event, connect to the SQL Server instance and expand the Management--->Extended Events and right click on the Sessions to launch the New Session Wizard:
Click Next on the Introduction page, if it appears on your screen.
On the next page, enter a name for the XE session, I am calling it xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate.
On the next page, make sure to first click on the Channel drop down and check Debug. This is important. Otherwise the "inaccurate_cardinality_estimate" event will not get displayed.
In the Event Library search box, type "inaccurate_cardinality_estimate" and click on the event name to select it. Click on > button to add the event.
And, to make this more effective and practical, you could also add another filter where the estimate row count is significantly higher or lower than the actual row count. For now I will just stick with filter on actual row counts only.
Click Next, which brings up the page to select storage location for the capture events.
Check box in front of "Save data to a file...", which should automatically be filled in with the name of the event "xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate" as the storage file name. You could enter a complete path to the event file, if not by default the event files will be stored under MSSQLLog within the installation folder of the instance.
Adjust the Maximum file size, rollover settings to your preferences then click Next
Click Finish to create the event.
Start the extended event
Start the newly created XE session by clicking on it then select Start Session:
Viewing the event data
Right click again on the XE and select Watch Live Data:
You can let the XE run for a while or run some test queries of your own, which is what I did to trigger a test event. You can find the script towards the end of this article.
This screenshot is of an event generated from my test script:
Normally you won't be watching the live data continuously so you can also view all events by right clicking on the event file then select View Target Data:
Clean Up
What can you do to fix the skewed CEs?
- Check to make sure there are no missing indexes. You can use one of the famous DMV queries you can search online
- Regularly rebuild/refresh your indexes and statistics. Check out the index/statistics maintenance script from Ola Hallengren at https://ola.hallengren.com/
- Keep up with the SQL Server upgrades and patching as they often contain query and optimizer enhancements including how the CE's are calculated and used
TSQL Scripts
Create the extended event
If you need to create this XE more than once, either on same sql server or multiple sql servers, a script is a better way to go.
-- CREATE XE if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions where name = 'xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate') DROP EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER GO CREATE EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.inaccurate_cardinality_estimate ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate')WITH ( MAX_MEMORY=4096 KB, EVENT_RETENTION_MODE=ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EVENT_LOSS, MAX_DISPATCH_LATENCY=300 SECONDS, TRACK_CAUSALITY=OFF, STARTUP_STATE=OFF )GO -- Start the session ALTER EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER STATE=START; -- Stop the session after the workload is executed -- ALTER EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER STATE=STOP; /*-- To drop the XE if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions where name = 'xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate') DROP EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER */
Trigger an event
/* **** FOR TESTING ONLY IN A NON-PRODUCTION SERVER **** -- disable the AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE [AdminDBA] SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS OFF GO */ set nocount on if object_id('ce_test_tbl_people') is not null drop table ce_test_tbl_people go -- create test table create table ce_test_tbl_people ( id int identity primary key, name varchar(200) not null, zipcode int not null ); -- Insert test data go insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 12345) GO 100 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 45678) GO 200 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 93213) GO 300 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 74616) GO 400 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 48287) GO 5000 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 48287) GO 5000 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 48287) GO 5000 insert into ce_test_tbl_people values('ABC', 27646) GO 5 /* RUN A QUERY TO TRIGGER INACCURATE CARDINALITY ESTIATES EVENT MAKE SURE THE XE session for xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate is started */ SELECT * FROM ce_test_tbl_people WHERE ZIPCODE = 48287;
View the event data
You can write a query to read events from the event files, which is my preferred method. Here is one such query:
-- READ THE XE FILEs ;with cte as ( SELECT top 100 @@SERVERNAME [SQL Server], [file_name], cast(event_data as xml) event_data FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate*.xel', null, null, null) ) select [SQL Server] ,dn.v.value('.', 'varchar(100)') [Database] ,ar.v.value('.', 'int') [Actual Rows] ,er.v.value('.', 'int') [Estimated Rows] ,st.v.value('.', 'varchar(8000)') [SQL] ,[file_name] [Event File] ,cte.event_data [Event Data] ,dn.v.value('../@timestamp', 'varchar(100)') [TimeStamp] ,CONCAT('0x', ph.v.value('.', 'varchar(200)')) [Plan Handle] from cte CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes('//event/data[@name = "actual_rows"]') as ar(v) CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes('//event/data[@name = "estimated_rows"]') as er(v) CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes('//event/action[@name = "database_name"]') as dn(v) CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes('//event/action[@name = "plan_handle"]') as ph(v) CROSS APPLY event_data.nodes('//event/action[@name = "sql_text"]') as st(v) -- where ar.v.value('.', 'int') > 1000 ; -- select * from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans where plan_handle = 0x303630303031303032393830376432613630353362656434386430313030
Stop and delete the extended event
-- DROP THE XE xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate IF exists (SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions where name = 'xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate') BEGIN IF exists(select * from sys.dm_xe_sessions where name = 'xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate') ALTER EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER STATE=STOP; DROP EVENT SESSION [xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate] ON SERVER END
Delete the event files
If you leave the event session running, over time the number of event files will accumulate on the sql server so whether to reclaim the disk space or you have completed your analysis and simply no longer need event files, you can utilize this PowerShell script to remotely delete the event files on the SQL Server. Make sure to replace the value for $sql_instnace_name variable before trying the script:
$sql_instance_name = "TestSQLServerTestInstance" $sql_query = "SELECT distinct @@SERVERNAME [SQL_Instance], SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') [Computer_Name], [file_name] FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('xe_inaccurate_cardinality_estimate*.xel', null, null, null); " #If you are using a SQL login with password, at the end of the Invoke-Sqlcmd add: -Username '<SQL Login>' -Password '<password>' $sql_xe_files = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sql_instance_name -Query $sql_query $sql_xe_file_names = $sql_xe_files.file_name $sql_host_name = $sql_xe_files.Computer_Name[1] $sql_host_fqdn = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($sql_host_name).HostName $file_object = Invoke-Command -ArgumentList $sql_xe_file_name -computername $sql_host_fqdn -scriptBlock {get-item $Using:sql_xe_file_names} #Uncomment the next line to actually remove the event files on the server #$file_object = Invoke-Command -ArgumentList $sql_xe_file_name -computername $sql_host_fqdn -scriptBlock {remove-item $Using:sql_xe_file_names}