Heraflux is returning to deliver a new webinar with Rubrik and ActualTech Media titled “How to Secure Your Azure SQL Data.”
With Azure SQL Server offerings continuing to grow in popularity, customers are looking to prevent ransomware attacks by securing data from malicious actors. Whether migrating SQL Server databases to hybrid or fully cloud-based Azure SQL Databases and Azure SQL Managed Instances, protections and cyber-security solutions must be in place to prevent data from being compromised and to maintain your recovery SLAs.
The topics discussed will include:
- Enable point-in-time recoverability from compromise or operational failure with immutable backups
- Use data portability for flexible and secure test/dev restores
- Save time and resources with centralized policy management and granular protection
I’ll be joining Chris Lumnah, Database Solutions Architect and Kalyan Akella, Principal Software Engineer from Rubrik to discuss the challenges of protecting Azure SQL Data from cyber-attacks, and how Rubrik can help.
Keith Ward, Editorial Director from ActualTech Media will moderate while Heraflux & Rubrik present the valuable content, including an in-depth demo and plenty of Q&A to answer your questions.
Webinar details:
Date: Tuesday July 25th – 2:00 – 3:00pm EST