Get values from a SQL Query to use with an IN clause

  • My Query gives me a list of GUID's that I would like to use to help create a single returned result with the values from my query within an IN clause.

    My Query

    t.Field_2_Id AS EncounterId
    INTO #temp
    FROM BillingEncounter.[Procedure]
    RIGHT JOIN (SELECT * FROM [CosmosDirect].[Missing_Id] WHERE TableName = 'BillingEncounter.Procedure') t ON t.Field_1_Id = BillingProcedureId AND t.Field_2_Id = EncounterId
    WHERE BillingProcedureId IS NULL

    SELECT * FROM #Temp








    I would like to take the results from this query to write something like this, so I can paste this in Cosmos (it hardcodes everything to the IN and uses my values from my query to put into the IN clause.

    WHERE contains(c.partitionKey, "BillingEncounter/17792") and c.encounterId IN









  • As you already have the results in #temp, the query can be written as follows

    WHERE contains(c.partitionKey, "BillingEncounter/17792") 
    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #temp t where t.EncounterId = c.EncounterId)

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

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