Blog Post

Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 lives!


So I’ve been working on a fun little project over the past couple weeks. A lot of my customers have questions related to Power BI and I spend a lot of my time answering those questions. So I said to myself, “Self, why don’t you build a chat bot that can help field some of those basic questions?” Thus was gloriously born the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000!

The Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 uses Azure Bot Service leveraging a knowledge base created using QnA Maker. Later I’m going to do a write-up on how exactly I created the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 (it only took me about 10 minutes), but for now I just want to share the bot with you. Start with “Hello” and then try asking a few questions like:

What is Power BI?

How is Power BI Pro different than Power BI Premium?

Does Power BI support mobile devices?

Try the bot here. Don’t make him angry!

Or if you’d like, chat with Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 via Skype.


Now there’s a couple things to keep in mind. First, the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot is only as smart as his knowledge base, so if you get a funky response back from the bot, its probably because there’s something weird in the knowledge base that I need to sharpen up. The knowledge base is still under construction so let me know if you find oddities. Also, if performance of the bot seems to struggle, keep in mind that I’m using free or low cost service tiers for the technology in Azure running the bot. And whatever you do, do not ask him about the robot overlords.

But totally feel free to ask Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000 any questions related to Power BI! The knowledge base I’ve provided is based on the documentation and frequently asked questions sections of

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment down below! I’d love to hear your thoughts about the Power BI FAQ Chat Bot 9000.


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