Query the database that the Sql Job is running

  • Hi,


    How can I query from which database that the sql server job is running from?



  • It will heavily depend on the job step type but your best bet is "msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps".

    For example a T-SQL step will detail in the database_name column what database the step is set to use  (note the actual code may query other databases)

    But for PowerShell steps, SSIS steps etc you will need to then go an interrogate what the powershell script/package etc etc is doing outside of SQL.

  • sql_2005_fan wrote:


    How can I query from which database that the sql server job is running from?


    What are you asking?

    If you are looking for any information about the job, schedule, and execution status, then that is all contained in the msdb database.

    If you are looking for what code is being executed from a SQL job, then that's different.  You could download sp_whoisactive, and that will tell you if SQL Agent is executing code.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Check if this helps

    j.name AS job_name,
    ja.start_execution_date, DATEDIFF(MINUTE,ja.start_execution_date,getdate()) 'Running Minutes',
    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity ja
    LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh
    ON ja.job_history_id = jh.instance_id
    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j on ja.job_id = j.job_id
    WHERE ja.session_id = (SELECT TOP 1 session_id FROM msdb.dbo.syssessions ORDER BY agent_start_date DESC)
    AND start_execution_date is not null
    AND stop_execution_date is null;

    Durai Nagarajan

  • I was looking for the info on what DB a job is running. For Example if I am running a stored procedure in the job and if that stored procedure is running in the the database AAAAA I was looking for the job name associated with the database it is running.


    I was able to get all the info I was looking with the following script.


    USE [msdb];



    j.[name] AS [Job Name],


    s.[step_name] AS [Step_Name],

    s.[database_name] AS [Database Name],

    s.[command] AS [SQL Script],

    CASE WHEN j.enabled=1 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'No' END as Enabled,


    c.name JobCategory,

    CASE WHEN c.category_class=1 THEN 'Job'

    WHEN c.category_class=2 THEN 'Alert'

    WHEN c.category_class=3 THEN 'Operator' END as JobCategoryClass,

    CASE WHEN c.category_type=1 THEN 'Local'

    WHEN c.category_type=2 THEN 'Multiserver'

    WHEN c.category_type=3 THEN 'None' END as JobCategoryType

    INTO #temp1

    FROM [dbo].[sysjobs] AS j

    INNER JOIN [dbo].[sysjobsteps] AS s ON j.[job_id] = s.[job_id]

    INNER JOIN syscategories c

    ON j.category_id=c.category_id

    --WHERE j.[enabled] = 1

    AND s.[subsystem] = 'TSQL'

    ORDER BY j.[name], s.[step_id]




    [sJOB].[job_id] AS [JobID]

    , [sJOB].[name] AS [JobName]



    , CASE

    WHEN [sJOBH].[run_date] IS NULL OR [sJOBH].[run_time] IS NULL THEN NULL


    CAST([sJOBH].[run_date] AS CHAR(8))

    + ' '

    + STUFF(

    STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJOBH].[run_time] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6)

    , 3, 0, ':')

    , 6, 0, ':')


    END AS [LastRunDateTime]

    , CASE [sJOBH].[run_status]

    WHEN 0 THEN 'Failed'

    WHEN 1 THEN 'Succeeded'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Retry'

    WHEN 3 THEN 'Canceled'

    WHEN 4 THEN 'Running' -- In Progress

    END AS [LastRunStatus]

    , STUFF(

    STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJOBH].[run_duration] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6)

    , 3, 0, ':')

    , 6, 0, ':')

    AS [LastRunDuration (HH:MM:SS)]

    , [sJOBH].[message] AS [LastRunStatusMessage]

    , CASE [sJOBSCH].[NextRunDate]



    CAST([sJOBSCH].[NextRunDate] AS CHAR(8))

    + ' '

    + STUFF(

    STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CAST([sJOBSCH].[NextRunTime] AS VARCHAR(6)), 6)

    , 3, 0, ':')

    , 6, 0, ':')


    END AS [NextRunDateTime]

    INTO #temp2


    [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobs] AS [sJOB] INNER JOIN msdb.[dbo].[sysjobsteps] js

    ON [sJOB].job_id=js.job_id




    , MIN([next_run_date]) AS [NextRunDate]

    , MIN([next_run_time]) AS [NextRunTime]

    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobschedules]

    GROUP BY [job_id]

    ) AS [sJOBSCH]

    ON [sJOB].[job_id] = [sJOBSCH].[job_id]




    , [run_date]

    , [run_time]

    , [run_status]

    , [run_duration]

    , [message]


    PARTITION BY [job_id]

    ORDER BY [run_date] DESC, [run_time] DESC

    ) AS RowNumber

    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysjobhistory]

    WHERE [step_id] = 0

    ) AS [sJOBH]

    ON [sJOB].[job_id] = [sJOBH].[job_id]

    AND [sJOBH].[RowNumber] = 1

    ORDER BY [JobName]


    sysjobs.name job_name

    ,sysjobs.enabled job_enabled

    ,sysschedules.name schedule_name



    when freq_type = 4 then 'Daily'

    end frequency


    'every ' + cast (freq_interval as varchar(3)) + ' day(s)' Days



    when freq_subday_type = 2 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' seconds' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    when freq_subday_type = 4 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' minutes' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    when freq_subday_type = 8 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' hours' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    else ' starting at '

    +stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    end time

    INTO #temp3

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules on sysjobs.job_id = sysjobschedules.job_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysschedules on sysjobschedules.schedule_id = sysschedules.schedule_id

    where freq_type = 4


    -- jobs with a weekly schedule


    sysjobs.name job_name

    ,sysjobs.enabled job_enabled

    ,sysschedules.name schedule_name



    when freq_type = 8 then 'Weekly'

    end frequency




    CASE WHEN freq_interval&1 = 1 THEN 'Sunday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&2 = 2 THEN 'Monday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&4 = 4 THEN 'Tuesday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&8 = 8 THEN 'Wednesday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&16 = 16 THEN 'Thursday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&32 = 32 THEN 'Friday, ' ELSE '' END

    +CASE WHEN freq_interval&64 = 64 THEN 'Saturday, ' ELSE '' END

    ,', '


    ) Days



    when freq_subday_type = 2 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' seconds' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    when freq_subday_type = 4 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' minutes' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    when freq_subday_type = 8 then ' every ' + cast(freq_subday_interval as varchar(7))

    + ' hours' + ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    else ' starting at '

    + stuff(stuff(RIGHT(replicate('0', 6) + cast(active_start_time as varchar(6)), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')

    end time

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules on sysjobs.job_id = sysjobschedules.job_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysschedules on sysjobschedules.schedule_id = sysschedules.schedule_id

    where freq_type = 8

    order by job_enabled desc

    SELECT @@SERVERNAME as ServerName,a.[Job Name],a.step_id,b.step_name,a.[Database Name],a.Enabled,a.description,a.[SQL Script],


    b.LastRunDateTime,b.[LastRunDuration (HH:MM:SS)],b.LastRunStatus,b.LastRunStatusMessage,b.NextRunDateTime

    FROM #temp1 a INNER JOIN #temp2 b ON a.[Job Name]=b.JobName

    AND a.step_id=b.step_id LEFT JOIN #temp3 c

    ON a.[Job Name]=c.job_name

  • No need for a large sql statement. Just open the properties of the job and check which database is uses. Easy peasy.

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