paswword of the master key

  • Hello everyone
    Who has an idea please on the usefulness of having a master key password
    I explained
    I created the master key by indicating their password 
    create master key encryption by password ='2$m83xtYDKz951AGKt';
    and then I created my certificate
     create certificate cert1 with subject= 'GDPR crypatge du backup'
    [BACKUP CERTIFICATE cert1  TO FILE = 'c:\storedcerts\cert1.cert '   WITH PRIVATE KEY ( DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '9875t6#6rfid7vble7r' ,   FILE = 'c:\storedkeys\certkey' ,   ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '9n34khUbhk$w4ecJH5gh' ); GO
    then I proceeded to delete my certificate and the master key 
    drop certificate cert1
    drop master key

    now that despite I've created the master key again with a new password that is different from the first
    the restoration of my old certificate it passes although the master key was created with a different password
    so it serves to what the password of the master key?


  • The DMK (Database Master Key) is used to encrypt all other objects. When you create  a cert, or restore it, the cert is encrypted by the DMK.

    By default when you create the DMK, it is encrypted by both your password and the Service Master Key. When you open a cert (or other object), the SMK decrypts the DMK and then decrypts the object you use. You can break the SMK->DMK protection, which means that each time you wanted to use an encrypted object in the database, you'd have to manually open the DMK and supply the password.

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