Options Window Of New Database In SQL

  • Hi all,

    I have been creating databases in sql for a while now using SSMS and T-SQL options. I have seen a few tutorial videos as well, but all of them are fairly simple.

    They just right-click, select new database and enter name and click on OK.

    What I am trying to find out a video or guide which can explain all the options present in this screen of creating New Database (check screenshot).

    What options are important to consider to set which cant be changed later? Or if not set earlier can cause serious problems later?



    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Jobs90312.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Jobs90312.
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  • have a look at "SET options"


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  • Johan Bijnens wrote:

    have a look at "SET options"


    Thank you for this but is there any video out there actually explaining all of these options ?

  • anything against reading the manuals? relevant information will be there - and for some of those options should you have them on a video you would likely see a biased opinion of what they are and why you should (or not) use them.

  • I doubt there's a single video explaining that because some of that stuff is quite detailed. Take FILESTREAM for example. It's not enough to simply say that you have FILESTREAM as an option and here are the choices for what FILESTREAM you can pick. You have to also explain what the heck FILESTREAM is, why you might need it, why you should avoid it in some circumstances, what it doesn't do, the implication of the choices you make while picking it, etc. And that's just one thing. Containment, cursors, memory optimized storage, all these are big concepts that need detailed explanation. You'd be better served looking each one up, independently, than try to find some uber-video that covers all these topics in adequate detail.

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