Query table results for Yesterday not giving results for just yesterday

  • I have tried a couple of where clause statements for date yesterday. No matter what I put in there it provides results for the entire table.

    Here is the query;

    USE [nms_rt]
    SELECT [Timestamp] AS 'DateTime'
    ,[Name] AS 'Location Name'
    ,[AtcsLine] AS 'Line'
    ,[AtcsGroup] AS 'Group'
    ,[Error] AS 'Errors'
    ,COUNT([Error]) over (partition by [Name] order by [Timestamp]) as 'Errors Total'
    FROM [nms_rt].[dbo].[fail_flush] WITH (NOLOCK)
    and [Error] LIKE 'Delivery Flushed'
    OR [Error] LIKE '%offline%'
    OR [Error] LIKE '%online%'
    GROUP BY [Name], [Timestamp], [AtcsLine], [AtcsGroup], [Error]

    The time field is a smalldatetime data type.

    What am I missing?



    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

  • Parentheses.

    You probably want

    and ([Error] LIKE 'Delivery Flushed' 
    OR [Error] LIKE '%offline%'
    OR [Error] LIKE '%online%')
  • First of all you need parentheses around the OR conditions.  Second since timestamp is a datetime you need to have >= yesterday 'date' and < today 'date'.  Try something like this


    SELECT [Timestamp] AS 'DateTime'
    ,[Name] AS 'Location Name'
    ,[AtcsLine] AS 'Line'
    ,[AtcsGroup] AS 'Group'
    ,[Error] AS 'Errors'
    ,COUNT([Error]) over (partition by [Name] order by [Timestamp]) as 'Errors Total'
    FROM [nms_rt].[dbo].[fail_flush] WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE Timestamp >= CAST(DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()) AS DATE) and Timestamp < CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
    and ([Error] LIKE 'Delivery Flushed'
    OR [Error] LIKE '%offline%'
    OR [Error] LIKE '%online%'
    GROUP BY [Name], [Timestamp], [AtcsLine], [AtcsGroup], [Error]
  • Thank you! that is what I needed. I forgot to add the () around the where clause after the datetime clause.

    Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Consulting Systems Engineer, C# Programmer, SQL Beginner

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