Blog Post

I Hope Someone Brings Back Game Night


A few years ago at the Summit, Andy Warren and I set up a Game night. We convinced the organizers to give us a room for a few hours one night. We invited people, charged a small admission that was really a 2 drink minimum to fund the bartender, and we bought a few games. People coming brought a ton of games, and it was a fun, quiet night.

There is no official Game Night this year, which is slightly disappointed this year, but this year is a reboot of the Summit, so I understand. Plus, I don’t have the energy to run something.

I’m hoping a few of you in the community pick this up. There are a few community events listed on the Summit site, but I’d like to see more.

I’m calling on a few of you to set up Game Nights. Pick a night, pick a time, and set up a free EventBrite event to get people to register for tickets. I might expect a 30% drop off, so if you want to get 10 people together to do something, allow 13 tickets.

For Game Night, all you really need is a few tables where people can gather. I’ve seen people play games in hotels or the WSCC lobby. There are a few game venues around Seattle as well. You can bring some games, or ask others to do so.

Running an event can be easy. Jenn and Sean McCown do a meetup every year at Top Pot, literally just asking people to show up, share a cup of coffee, and chat.

If you want to find a few fellow gamers while you’re at the Summit, think about putting together a small event. Email the Summit and get your event listed.

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