Blog Post

SSDT DevPack + Visual Studio 2017


I have upgraded the ssdt dev pack to support visual studio 2017 and fixed a couple of minor annoyances and have started to think about how to improve it going forward.

The first feature of sorts is the ability to clear the connection used by the quick deployer without having to restart visual studio.

Secondly I am pretty convinced that the main thing people use it for is the quick deploy, the tSQLt test builder and I use the keyword formatters so I have moved everything else to underneath a menu item saying "deprecated" - if anyone really wants one of those features then let me know and I will keep it but I will likely remove them at some point.

I am planning on bringing SQLCover into it at some point and I haven't really been using the mergeui part, I think the better thing is to use sp_generate_merge to generate a merge statement it is much more reliable. If you have a simple table then MergeUi might still be useful to you.

I will publish it to the market place so updates happen automatically, if you want a copy of it go to:

Before I published it I realised that when I wrote the code (a couple of years ago!) that I had taken a couple of shortcuts, one was to always use the 120 version of the parsers instead of whatever the project was set to so I decided to fix that first and then publish - looking over old code is never good ha ha.

It is now published so you should be able to install for vs 2017 and existing installs on 2015 will be upgraded (hope it doesn't break for anyone, there are lots more users than when I last published it!)


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