Blog Post

Goal Progress for Sep 2022


I set goals at the beginning of the year, and I’m tracking my progress in these updates during 2022.

Well, clearly I’ve gotten away from my goals. No updates since June. Part of this was a letdown in July, with volleyball tryouts and other personal things eating up outside time. Plus, prep for August.

August had me taking 2 work trips and over a week of vacation. I was gone from home for 13 days. September had me gone for 21 days, plus trying to get to a high school volleyball games to support the kids I’ll coach this winter. I was mostly just trying to survive.

No excuses, more reality and changing priorities. The grade reflects that as I stalled a bit outside of reading. I did modify the speaking to include community events as seeing SQL Saturdays coming back leads me to avoid virtual user groups.

Grade: C-

Here are the goals:


  • DP-900 – Passed
  • DP-300
    – Stated studying, practice tests around 80% correct, need to schedule
  • Demo with SQL Server – 20% – dev db set up, started on pipeline
  • Demo with PostgreSQL – 20% – Dev db set up
  • Demo with MySQL – 0%
  • Thanks for the Feedback – 100% – HIGHLY Recommended
  • Good Strategy/Bad Strategy – 100% – VERY interesting
  • Do Hard Things – 25%


I made a slight alteration here. I didn’t try to hook up to Google Sheets, but instead pasted in some data and started to try and get this moving.

  • Link Google Sheets to Power BI – 0%
  • Create Report – 40%  – I have a report working for some of my metrics.
  • Create Dashboard – 20%  – A basic dashboard up, but need to decide on what to show here.
  • Get people using it – 0%


  • Support the Colorado groups by speaking twice and helping get one event set up
    – 40%
    • CO Springs event set up and executed
    • Denver SQL Server SQL Saturday executed
  • Speak at 3 other community events (was user groups) outside of Colorado – 100%
    • Spoke at DBA Fundamentals group
    • Spoke at Toronto SSUG
    • Spoke at SQL Saturdays in Jacksonville, New Jersey, LA, Denver
  • Support SQL Saturdays – Help get 10 events run in 2022

    – 100%

    • We have had 9 run this year and 9 more scheduled
  • Volunteer 4 days with Habitat – 0 days
    • Not happy about this still. I had hoped to go Sept 15, but they cancelled the build that day. Need to find another day, but it’s hard. They aren’t doing every Wed/Thur/fri, and travel is getting in the way.

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