Query slow. Help improve?

  • Hey all.  I have a contract building a database for a company that bills other companies, and I wrote what I thought was an awesome query.  It runs a bit slow and I have time to get coffee when it runs.  Any help would be great.  I'm pretty good with SQL, so no newbs please.

    USE studly

    DECLARE    @ID_Number int
    DECLARE @Last_name char(25)
    DECLARE @First_name char(20)
    DECLARE @MI Char(2)
    DECLARE @Address1 char(40)
    DECLARE @Address2 char(10)
    DECLARE @City char(20)
    DECLARE @State char(2)
    DECLARE @Zip char(5)
    DECLARE @Home_phone char(10)
    DECLARE @Gender char(1)
    DECLARE @Marital_Status char(1)
    DECLARE @DOB char(8)
    DECLARE @Hire char(8)
    DECLARE @Job_class char(10)
    DECLARE @PayrollHomeOrg char(10)
    DECLARE @Appt_end char(8)
    DECLARE @Employ_status char(1)
    DECLARE @Status_effect char(8)
    DECLARE @Benefit_eligible char(1)
    DECLARE @change_reason varchar(200)
    DECLARE @gp_pd_status varchar(1)
    DECLARE @inZip int
    DECLARE @rateID int
    DECLARE @life money
    DECLARE @vision money
    DECLARE @medhmo money
    DECLARE @medppo money
    DECLARE @denhmo money
    DECLARE @univMedPrem money
    DECLARE @univDentPrem money
    DECLARE @univVisPrem money
    DECLARE @univLifePrem money
    DECLARE @univContribution money
    DECLARE @intMonth int
    DECLARE @intJCMonth int
    DECLARE @intThisMonth int

    DECLARE @1a smalldatetime = '12/16/2018'
    DECLARE @1b smalldatetime = '1/20/2019'
    DECLARE @1c smalldatetime = '1/1/2019'
    DECLARE @2a smalldatetime
    DECLARE @2b smalldatetime
    DECLARE @2c smalldatetime = '2/1/2018'
    DECLARE @3a smalldatetime
    DECLARE @3b smalldatetime
    DECLARE @3c smalldatetime = '3/1/2018'
    DECLARE @4a smalldatetime = '3/18/2018'
    DECLARE @4b smalldatetime = '4/21/2018'
    DECLARE @4c smalldatetime = '4/1/2018'
    DECLARE @5a smalldatetime = '4/22/2018'
    DECLARE @5b smalldatetime = '5/19/2018'
    DECLARE @5c smalldatetime = '5/1/2018'
    DECLARE @6a smalldatetime = '5/20/2018'
    DECLARE @6b smalldatetime = '6/16/2018'
    DECLARE @6c smalldatetime = '6/1/2018'
    DECLARE @7a smalldatetime = '6/17/2018'
    DECLARE @7b smalldatetime = '7/21/2018'
    DECLARE @7c smalldatetime = '7/1/2018'
    DECLARE @8a smalldatetime = '7/22/2018'
    DECLARE @8b smalldatetime = '8/18/2018'
    DECLARE @8c smalldatetime = '8/1/2018'
    DECLARE @9a smalldatetime = '8/19/2018'
    DECLARE @9b smalldatetime = '9/22/2018'
    DECLARE @9c smalldatetime = '9/1/2018'
    DECLARE @10a smalldatetime = '9/23/2018'
    DECLARE @10b smalldatetime = '10/20/2018'
    DECLARE @10c smalldatetime = '10/1/2018'
    DECLARE @11a smalldatetime = '10/21/2018'
    DECLARE @11b smalldatetime = '11/17/2018'
    DECLARE @11c smalldatetime = '11/1/2018'
    DECLARE @12a smalldatetime = '11/13/2018'
    DECLARE @12B smalldatetime = '12/10/2018'
    DECLARE @12c smalldatetime = '12/1/2018'

    SET @rateID = 9

    --Check for any record that has a change reason
    --Move copy of records with change reason to history table then clear change reason value in UnivEnrollMain08
    DECLARE univ_clear_change_reason CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, change_reason FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE len(isnull(change_reason,'')) > 0

    OPEN univ_clear_change_reason

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_clear_change_reason
    INTO @ID_Number, @change_reason

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
            SELECT *, getDate() FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number

            UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET change_reason = '' WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
            print 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar,@ID_Number)    
            -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_clear_change_reason
            INTO @ID_Number, @change_reason

    CLOSE univ_clear_change_reason
    DEALLOCATE univ_clear_change_reason

    DECLARE univ_rates CURSOR FOR
    SELECT [life], [vision], [medhmo], [medppo], [denhmo] FROM [studly].[univRates] WHERE rateID = @rateID

    OPEN univ_rates

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_rates
    INTO @life, @vision, @medhmo, @medppo, @denhmo

    --Check import file to see if record currently exists
    --If exists then update record and provide change reasons
    --If not exists then add to database
    DECLARE univ_import CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, Last_name, First_name, MI, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Home_phone, Gender, Marital_Status, DOB, Hire, Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end, Employ_status, Status_effect, Benefit_eligible FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport

    OPEN univ_import

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_import
    INTO @ID_Number, @Last_name, @First_name, @MI, @Address1, @Address2, @City, @State, @Zip, @Home_phone, @Gender, @Marital_Status, @DOB, @Hire, @Job_class, @PayrollHomeOrg, @Appt_end, @Employ_status, @Status_effect, @Benefit_eligible

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            IF (SELECT ID_Number FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) = @ID_Number
                Set @change_reason = ''
                IF (SELECT Last_name FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Last_Name
                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'last name different, '
                IF (SELECT Job_class FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Job_class

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'job class different, '
                IF (SELECT Employ_status FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Employ_status

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'employ status different, '
                IF (SELECT Status_effect FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Status_effect

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'status effect different, '
                IF (SELECT Benefit_eligible FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Benefit_eligible

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'Benefit eligible different, '
                IF (SELECT Address1 FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Address1

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'address different'

                IF @change_reason <> ''
                    --Check to see if record has already been approved prior to weekly import
                    IF (SELECT gp_pd_status FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) = 'a'
                        SET @gp_pd_status = 'd'
                        SET @gp_pd_status = 'c'

                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
                    SELECT *, getDate() FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number

                    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET Last_name = @Last_Name, First_name = @First_name, MI = @MI, Address1 = @Address1, Address2 = @Address2, City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip, Home_phone = @Home_phone, Gender = @Gender, Marital_Status = @Marital_Status, DOB = @DOB, Hire = @Hire, Job_class = @Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg = @PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end = @Appt_end, Employ_status = @Employ_status, Status_effect = @Status_effect, Benefit_eligible = @Benefit_eligible, gp_pd_status = @gp_pd_status, change_reason = @change_reason WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    print @change_reason


                    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET Last_name = @Last_Name, First_name = @First_name, MI = @MI, Address1 = @Address1, Address2 = @Address2, City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip, Home_phone = @Home_phone, Gender = @Gender, Marital_Status = @Marital_Status, DOB = @DOB, Hire = @Hire, Job_class = @Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg = @PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end = @Appt_end, Employ_status = @Employ_status, Status_effect = @Status_effect, Benefit_eligible = @Benefit_eligible WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    print getDate()


             --IF (1=1)
                SET @inZip = 0
                SET @intMonth = 0
                SET @intJCMonth = 0
                SET @univMedPrem = 0
                SET @univDentPrem = 0
                SET @univVisPrem = 0
                SET @univLifePrem = 0
                SET @univContribution = 0
                SET @intThisMonth = month(getDate())


                IF (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univZips10 WHERE Zip = (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number)) = (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number)
                    SET @inZip = 1

                --Determine Job Code Month
                --12/16/2018 - 1/20/2019
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @1a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @1b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @1a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @1c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 1
                        SET @intJCMonth = 2
                --3/18/2018 - 4/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @4b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @4c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 4
                        SET @intJCMonth = 5
                --4/22/2018 - 5/19/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @5b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @5c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 5
                        SET @intJCMonth = 6
                --5/20/2018 - 6/16/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @6b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @6c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 6
                        SET @intJCMonth = 7
                --6/17/2018 - 7/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @7b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @7c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 7
                        SET @intJCMonth = 8
                --7/22/2018 - 8/18/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @8b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @8c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 8
                        SET @intJCMonth = 9
                --8/19/2018 - 9/22/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @9b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @9c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 9
                        SET @intJCMonth = 10
                --9/23/2018 - 10/20/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @10b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @10c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 10
                        SET @intJCMonth = 11
                --10/21/2018 - 11/17/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @11b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @11C
                        SET @intJCMonth = 11
                        SET @intJCMonth = 12
                --11/18/2018 - 12/8/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @12B
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @12c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 12
                        SET @intJCMonth = 1

                --Determine Our Current Month
                --4/17/2018 - 5/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @4b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @4c
                        SET @intMonth = 4
                        SET @intMonth = 5
                --4/17/2018 - 5/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @5b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @5c
                        SET @intMonth = 5
                        SET @intMonth = 6
                --5/22/2018 - 6/18/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @6b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @6c
                        SET @intMonth = 6
                        SET @intMonth = 7
                --6/19/2018 - 7/23/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @7b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @7c
                        SET @intMonth = 7
                        SET @intMonth = 8
                --7/24/2018 - 8/20/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @8b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @8c
                        SET @intMonth = 8
                        SET @intMonth = 9
                --8/21/2018 - 9/17/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @9b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @9c
                        SET @intMonth = 9
                        SET @intMonth = 10
                --9/18/2018 - 10/22/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @10b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @10c
                        SET @intMonth = 10
                        SET @intMonth = 11
                --10/23/2018 - 11/12/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @11b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @11c
                        SET @intMonth = 11
                        SET @intMonth = 12
                --11/13/2018 - 12/10/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @12B
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @12c
                        SET @intMonth = 12
                        SET @intMonth = 1
                Print @intThisMonth
                Print @intJCMonth
                Print @intMonth

                IF @intJCMonth = @intMonth --See what today's billing period is and see if it lines up with Job Code builling period
                    IF @intMonth > @intThisMonth OR (@intThisMonth > 9 AND @intMonth < 4)--Future Bill
                        print 'future bill' --leave zero
                        Set @intMonth = 0
                    ELSE IF @intMonth < @intThisMonth OR (@intThisMonth < 4 AND @intMonth > 9)--Bill Multiple Months
                        --Need to code for months when jan - march have months oct - dec to bill for
                        SET @intMonth = @intThisMonth - @intMonth + 1
                    ELSE --Bill One Month
                        SET @intMonth = 1
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth > @intThisMonth --Job Code is a Future Bill
                    print 'future bill' --leave zero
                    Set @intMonth = 0
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth = @intThisMonth --Bill One Month
                    SET @intMonth = 1
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth < @intMonth
                    SET @intMonth = @intThisMonth - @intJCMonth + 1
                    SET @intMonth = 0

                print @intMonth

                IF @inZip = 1
                    SET @univMedPrem = @medhmo * @intMonth
                    SET @univMedPrem = @medppo * @intMonth
                SET @univDentPrem = @denhmo * @intMonth
                SET @univVisPrem = @vision * @intMonth
                SET @univLifePrem = @life * @intMonth

                SET @univContribution = @univMedPrem + @univDentPrem + @univVisPrem + @univLifePrem
                print @univContribution

                IF @intMonth = 0
                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMain08
                    SELECT *,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'z',null,null,'N','P',null,null,1,@Job_class,'Auto Enroll From Import',null FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    INSERT INTO [studly].[univEnrollMainAutoReport] (univ_id,Last_name,First_name,Job_class,Medical,isFutureChange) VALUES (@ID_Number,@Last_name,@First_name,@Job_class,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO' END,'Y')
                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMain08
                    SELECT *,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'a',null,null,CASE WHEN @intMonth=1 THEN 'N' WHEN @intMonth>1 THEN 'Y' END,'P',null,null,0,null,null,null FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    INSERT INTO [studly].[univEnrollMainAutoReport] (univ_id,Last_name,First_name,Job_class,Medical,isFutureChange) VALUES (@ID_Number,@Last_name,@First_name,@Job_class,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO' END,'N')


                INSERT INTO studly.univCoverage08 (univ_id,Enroll_med,Enroll_dent,Enroll_vis,Enroll_self,self_med,self_dent,self_vis,COBRA,Ins_privacy,pdMedPrem,univMedPrem,pdDentPrem,univDentPrem,pdVisPrem,univVisPrem,pdLifePrem,univLifePrem,pdContribution,univContribution,edit_by,isDWC) VALUES (@ID_Number,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO_E' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO_E' END,'DMO_E','E','E','Y','Y','Y','YES','YES',0,@univMedPrem,0,@univDentPrem,0,@univVisPrem,0,@univLifePrem,0,@univContribution,'NUMBER',0)
                Print 'new'         

            -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_import
            INTO @ID_Number, @Last_name, @First_name, @MI, @Address1, @Address2, @City, @State, @Zip, @Home_phone, @Gender, @Marital_Status, @DOB, @Hire, @Job_class, @PayrollHomeOrg, @Appt_end, @Employ_status, @Status_effect, @Benefit_eligible

    CLOSE univ_import
    DEALLOCATE univ_import

    CLOSE univ_rates
    DEALLOCATE univ_rates


    USE studly

    DECLARE    @ID_Number int
    DECLARE @Home_phone char(10)

    DECLARE univ_phone_change CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, Home_phone FROM studly.univEnrollMain WHERE (Home_phone = '') OR (Home_phone IS NULL)

    OPEN univ_phone_change

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_phone_change
    INTO @ID_Number, @Home_phone

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain SET Home_phone = CONVERT(varchar, @ID_Number, 101) + '00' WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_phone_change
            INTO @ID_Number, @Home_phone

    CLOSE univ_phone_change
    DEALLOCATE univ_phone_change

  • SQLStud 74876 - Friday, October 12, 2018 5:08 PM

    Hey all.  I have a contract building a database for a company that bills other companies, and I wrote what I thought was an awesome query.  It runs a bit slow and I have time to get coffee when it runs.  Any help would be great.  I'm pretty good with SQL, so no newbs please.

    USE studly

    DECLARE    @ID_Number int
    DECLARE @Last_name char(25)
    DECLARE @First_name char(20)
    DECLARE @MI Char(2)
    DECLARE @Address1 char(40)
    DECLARE @Address2 char(10)
    DECLARE @City char(20)
    DECLARE @State char(2)
    DECLARE @Zip char(5)
    DECLARE @Home_phone char(10)
    DECLARE @Gender char(1)
    DECLARE @Marital_Status char(1)
    DECLARE @DOB char(8)
    DECLARE @Hire char(8)
    DECLARE @Job_class char(10)
    DECLARE @PayrollHomeOrg char(10)
    DECLARE @Appt_end char(8)
    DECLARE @Employ_status char(1)
    DECLARE @Status_effect char(8)
    DECLARE @Benefit_eligible char(1)
    DECLARE @change_reason varchar(200)
    DECLARE @gp_pd_status varchar(1)
    DECLARE @inZip int
    DECLARE @rateID int
    DECLARE @life money
    DECLARE @vision money
    DECLARE @medhmo money
    DECLARE @medppo money
    DECLARE @denhmo money
    DECLARE @univMedPrem money
    DECLARE @univDentPrem money
    DECLARE @univVisPrem money
    DECLARE @univLifePrem money
    DECLARE @univContribution money
    DECLARE @intMonth int
    DECLARE @intJCMonth int
    DECLARE @intThisMonth int

    DECLARE @1a smalldatetime = '12/16/2018'
    DECLARE @1b smalldatetime = '1/20/2019'
    DECLARE @1c smalldatetime = '1/1/2019'
    DECLARE @2a smalldatetime
    DECLARE @2b smalldatetime
    DECLARE @2c smalldatetime = '2/1/2018'
    DECLARE @3a smalldatetime
    DECLARE @3b smalldatetime
    DECLARE @3c smalldatetime = '3/1/2018'
    DECLARE @4a smalldatetime = '3/18/2018'
    DECLARE @4b smalldatetime = '4/21/2018'
    DECLARE @4c smalldatetime = '4/1/2018'
    DECLARE @5a smalldatetime = '4/22/2018'
    DECLARE @5b smalldatetime = '5/19/2018'
    DECLARE @5c smalldatetime = '5/1/2018'
    DECLARE @6a smalldatetime = '5/20/2018'
    DECLARE @6b smalldatetime = '6/16/2018'
    DECLARE @6c smalldatetime = '6/1/2018'
    DECLARE @7a smalldatetime = '6/17/2018'
    DECLARE @7b smalldatetime = '7/21/2018'
    DECLARE @7c smalldatetime = '7/1/2018'
    DECLARE @8a smalldatetime = '7/22/2018'
    DECLARE @8b smalldatetime = '8/18/2018'
    DECLARE @8c smalldatetime = '8/1/2018'
    DECLARE @9a smalldatetime = '8/19/2018'
    DECLARE @9b smalldatetime = '9/22/2018'
    DECLARE @9c smalldatetime = '9/1/2018'
    DECLARE @10a smalldatetime = '9/23/2018'
    DECLARE @10b smalldatetime = '10/20/2018'
    DECLARE @10c smalldatetime = '10/1/2018'
    DECLARE @11a smalldatetime = '10/21/2018'
    DECLARE @11b smalldatetime = '11/17/2018'
    DECLARE @11c smalldatetime = '11/1/2018'
    DECLARE @12a smalldatetime = '11/13/2018'
    DECLARE @12B smalldatetime = '12/10/2018'
    DECLARE @12c smalldatetime = '12/1/2018'

    SET @rateID = 9

    --Check for any record that has a change reason
    --Move copy of records with change reason to history table then clear change reason value in UnivEnrollMain08
    DECLARE univ_clear_change_reason CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, change_reason FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE len(isnull(change_reason,'')) > 0

    OPEN univ_clear_change_reason

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_clear_change_reason
    INTO @ID_Number, @change_reason

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
            SELECT *, getDate() FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number

            UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET change_reason = '' WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
            print 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar,@ID_Number)    
            -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_clear_change_reason
            INTO @ID_Number, @change_reason

    CLOSE univ_clear_change_reason
    DEALLOCATE univ_clear_change_reason

    DECLARE univ_rates CURSOR FOR
    SELECT [life], [vision], [medhmo], [medppo], [denhmo] FROM [studly].[univRates] WHERE rateID = @rateID

    OPEN univ_rates

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_rates
    INTO @life, @vision, @medhmo, @medppo, @denhmo

    --Check import file to see if record currently exists
    --If exists then update record and provide change reasons
    --If not exists then add to database
    DECLARE univ_import CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, Last_name, First_name, MI, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Home_phone, Gender, Marital_Status, DOB, Hire, Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end, Employ_status, Status_effect, Benefit_eligible FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport

    OPEN univ_import

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_import
    INTO @ID_Number, @Last_name, @First_name, @MI, @Address1, @Address2, @City, @State, @Zip, @Home_phone, @Gender, @Marital_Status, @DOB, @Hire, @Job_class, @PayrollHomeOrg, @Appt_end, @Employ_status, @Status_effect, @Benefit_eligible

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            IF (SELECT ID_Number FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) = @ID_Number
                Set @change_reason = ''
                IF (SELECT Last_name FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Last_Name
                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'last name different, '
                IF (SELECT Job_class FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Job_class

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'job class different, '
                IF (SELECT Employ_status FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Employ_status

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'employ status different, '
                IF (SELECT Status_effect FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Status_effect

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'status effect different, '
                IF (SELECT Benefit_eligible FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Benefit_eligible

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'Benefit eligible different, '
                IF (SELECT Address1 FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) <> @Address1

                    set @change_reason = @change_reason + 'address different'

                IF @change_reason <> ''
                    --Check to see if record has already been approved prior to weekly import
                    IF (SELECT gp_pd_status FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number) = 'a'
                        SET @gp_pd_status = 'd'
                        SET @gp_pd_status = 'c'

                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
                    SELECT *, getDate() FROM studly.univEnrollMain08 WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number

                    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET Last_name = @Last_Name, First_name = @First_name, MI = @MI, Address1 = @Address1, Address2 = @Address2, City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip, Home_phone = @Home_phone, Gender = @Gender, Marital_Status = @Marital_Status, DOB = @DOB, Hire = @Hire, Job_class = @Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg = @PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end = @Appt_end, Employ_status = @Employ_status, Status_effect = @Status_effect, Benefit_eligible = @Benefit_eligible, gp_pd_status = @gp_pd_status, change_reason = @change_reason WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    print @change_reason


                    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08 SET Last_name = @Last_Name, First_name = @First_name, MI = @MI, Address1 = @Address1, Address2 = @Address2, City = @City, State = @State, Zip = @Zip, Home_phone = @Home_phone, Gender = @Gender, Marital_Status = @Marital_Status, DOB = @DOB, Hire = @Hire, Job_class = @Job_class, PayrollHomeOrg = @PayrollHomeOrg, Appt_end = @Appt_end, Employ_status = @Employ_status, Status_effect = @Status_effect, Benefit_eligible = @Benefit_eligible WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    print getDate()


             --IF (1=1)
                SET @inZip = 0
                SET @intMonth = 0
                SET @intJCMonth = 0
                SET @univMedPrem = 0
                SET @univDentPrem = 0
                SET @univVisPrem = 0
                SET @univLifePrem = 0
                SET @univContribution = 0
                SET @intThisMonth = month(getDate())


                IF (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univZips10 WHERE Zip = (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number)) = (SELECT Zip FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number)
                    SET @inZip = 1

                --Determine Job Code Month
                --12/16/2018 - 1/20/2019
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @1a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @1b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @1a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @1c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 1
                        SET @intJCMonth = 2
                --3/18/2018 - 4/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @4b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @4c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 4
                        SET @intJCMonth = 5
                --4/22/2018 - 5/19/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @5b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @5c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 5
                        SET @intJCMonth = 6
                --5/20/2018 - 6/16/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @6b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @6c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 6
                        SET @intJCMonth = 7
                --6/17/2018 - 7/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @7b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @7c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 7
                        SET @intJCMonth = 8
                --7/22/2018 - 8/18/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @8b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @8c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 8
                        SET @intJCMonth = 9
                --8/19/2018 - 9/22/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @9b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @9c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 9
                        SET @intJCMonth = 10
                --9/23/2018 - 10/20/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @10b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @10c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 10
                        SET @intJCMonth = 11
                --10/21/2018 - 11/17/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @11b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @11C
                        SET @intJCMonth = 11
                        SET @intJCMonth = 12
                --11/18/2018 - 12/8/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @12B
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110) <= @12c
                        SET @intJCMonth = 12
                        SET @intJCMonth = 1

                --Determine Our Current Month
                --4/17/2018 - 5/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @4b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @4a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @4c
                        SET @intMonth = 4
                        SET @intMonth = 5
                --4/17/2018 - 5/21/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @5b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @5a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @5c
                        SET @intMonth = 5
                        SET @intMonth = 6
                --5/22/2018 - 6/18/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @6b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @6a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @6c
                        SET @intMonth = 6
                        SET @intMonth = 7
                --6/19/2018 - 7/23/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @7b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @7a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @7c
                        SET @intMonth = 7
                        SET @intMonth = 8
                --7/24/2018 - 8/20/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @8b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @8a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @8c
                        SET @intMonth = 8
                        SET @intMonth = 9
                --8/21/2018 - 9/17/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @9b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @9a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @9c
                        SET @intMonth = 9
                        SET @intMonth = 10
                --9/18/2018 - 10/22/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @10b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @10a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @10c
                        SET @intMonth = 10
                        SET @intMonth = 11
                --10/23/2018 - 11/12/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @11b
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @11a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @11c
                        SET @intMonth = 11
                        SET @intMonth = 12
                --11/13/2018 - 12/10/2018
                IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @12B
                    IF CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) >= @12a AND CONVERT(smalldatetime,getDate(),110) <= @12c
                        SET @intMonth = 12
                        SET @intMonth = 1
                Print @intThisMonth
                Print @intJCMonth
                Print @intMonth

                IF @intJCMonth = @intMonth --See what today's billing period is and see if it lines up with Job Code builling period
                    IF @intMonth > @intThisMonth OR (@intThisMonth > 9 AND @intMonth < 4)--Future Bill
                        print 'future bill' --leave zero
                        Set @intMonth = 0
                    ELSE IF @intMonth < @intThisMonth OR (@intThisMonth < 4 AND @intMonth > 9)--Bill Multiple Months
                        --Need to code for months when jan - march have months oct - dec to bill for
                        SET @intMonth = @intThisMonth - @intMonth + 1
                    ELSE --Bill One Month
                        SET @intMonth = 1
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth > @intThisMonth --Job Code is a Future Bill
                    print 'future bill' --leave zero
                    Set @intMonth = 0
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth = @intThisMonth --Bill One Month
                    SET @intMonth = 1
                ELSE IF @intJCMonth < @intMonth
                    SET @intMonth = @intThisMonth - @intJCMonth + 1
                    SET @intMonth = 0

                print @intMonth

                IF @inZip = 1
                    SET @univMedPrem = @medhmo * @intMonth
                    SET @univMedPrem = @medppo * @intMonth
                SET @univDentPrem = @denhmo * @intMonth
                SET @univVisPrem = @vision * @intMonth
                SET @univLifePrem = @life * @intMonth

                SET @univContribution = @univMedPrem + @univDentPrem + @univVisPrem + @univLifePrem
                print @univContribution

                IF @intMonth = 0
                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMain08
                    SELECT *,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'z',null,null,'N','P',null,null,1,@Job_class,'Auto Enroll From Import',null FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    INSERT INTO [studly].[univEnrollMainAutoReport] (univ_id,Last_name,First_name,Job_class,Medical,isFutureChange) VALUES (@ID_Number,@Last_name,@First_name,@Job_class,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO' END,'Y')
                    INSERT INTO studly.univEnrollMain08
                    SELECT *,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'a',null,null,CASE WHEN @intMonth=1 THEN 'N' WHEN @intMonth>1 THEN 'Y' END,'P',null,null,0,null,null,null FROM studly.univEnrollMainImport WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
                    INSERT INTO [studly].[univEnrollMainAutoReport] (univ_id,Last_name,First_name,Job_class,Medical,isFutureChange) VALUES (@ID_Number,@Last_name,@First_name,@Job_class,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO' END,'N')


                INSERT INTO studly.univCoverage08 (univ_id,Enroll_med,Enroll_dent,Enroll_vis,Enroll_self,self_med,self_dent,self_vis,COBRA,Ins_privacy,pdMedPrem,univMedPrem,pdDentPrem,univDentPrem,pdVisPrem,univVisPrem,pdLifePrem,univLifePrem,pdContribution,univContribution,edit_by,isDWC) VALUES (@ID_Number,CASE WHEN @inZip=1 THEN 'HMO_E' WHEN @inZip=0 THEN 'PPO_E' END,'DMO_E','E','E','Y','Y','Y','YES','YES',0,@univMedPrem,0,@univDentPrem,0,@univVisPrem,0,@univLifePrem,0,@univContribution,'NUMBER',0)
                Print 'new'         

            -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_import
            INTO @ID_Number, @Last_name, @First_name, @MI, @Address1, @Address2, @City, @State, @Zip, @Home_phone, @Gender, @Marital_Status, @DOB, @Hire, @Job_class, @PayrollHomeOrg, @Appt_end, @Employ_status, @Status_effect, @Benefit_eligible

    CLOSE univ_import
    DEALLOCATE univ_import

    CLOSE univ_rates
    DEALLOCATE univ_rates


    USE studly

    DECLARE    @ID_Number int
    DECLARE @Home_phone char(10)

    DECLARE univ_phone_change CURSOR FOR
    SELECT ID_Number, Home_phone FROM studly.univEnrollMain WHERE (Home_phone = '') OR (Home_phone IS NULL)

    OPEN univ_phone_change

    FETCH NEXT FROM univ_phone_change
    INTO @ID_Number, @Home_phone

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
            UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain SET Home_phone = CONVERT(varchar, @ID_Number, 101) + '00' WHERE ID_Number = @ID_Number
            FETCH NEXT FROM univ_phone_change
            INTO @ID_Number, @Home_phone

    CLOSE univ_phone_change
    DEALLOCATE univ_phone_change

    Where to start!!..
    I know. please forget that there is such a thing as a CURSOR !!!!!
    you need to think set based, not record based.

    Just as an example from your own code.

    declare @Id_Number int
    declare @Home_Phone char(10)

    declare univ_phone_change cursor for
      select ID_Number
       , Home_phone
       from studly.univEnrollMain
       where (Home_phone = '')
        or (Home_phone is null)

    open univ_phone_change

    fetch next from univ_phone_change
    into @Id_Number, @Home_Phone

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
    while (@@Fetch_Status = 0)
      update studly.univEnrollMain
       set Home_phone = convert(varchar, @Id_Number, 101) + '00'
      where ID_Number = @Id_Number
      fetch next from univ_phone_change
      into @Id_Number, @Home_Phone

    close univ_phone_change
    deallocate univ_phone_change

    can be written as
    update studly.univEnrollMain
       set Home_phone = convert(varchar(30), ID_Number, 101) + '00'
    where (Home_phone = '')
        or (Home_phone is null)

    and also 

    declare univ_clear_change_reason cursor for
      select ID_Number
       , change_reason
       from studly.univEnrollMain08
       where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    open univ_clear_change_reason

    fetch next from univ_clear_change_reason
    into @Id_Number, @Change_Reason

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
    while (@@Fetch_Status = 0)
      insert into studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
       select *
         , getdate()
       from studly.univEnrollMain08
       where ID_Number = @Id_Number

      update studly.univEnrollMain08
       set change_reason = ''
      where ID_Number = @Id_Number
      print 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar, @Id_Number)
      -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
      fetch next from univ_clear_change_reason
      into @Id_Number, @Change_Reason

    close univ_clear_change_reason
    deallocate univ_clear_change_reason

    can be written as

    insert into studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
    select *
      , getdate()
    from studly.univEnrollMain08
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    update studly.univEnrollMain08
       set change_reason = ''
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0
    If you really need to print the ID's changed
    you can do something based on the following query - if it is really "print" then a cursor can be used, otherwise just a select would do
    update studly.univEnrollMain08
       set change_reason = ''
    output 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar(20), inserted.ID_Number)
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    Edited: to change some varchar to varchar(xx) and typo on the very last update (was updating history instead of main)

  • SQLStud 74876 - Friday, October 12, 2018 5:08 PM

    Hey all.  I have a contract building a database for a company that bills other companies, and I wrote what I thought was an awesome query.  It runs a bit slow and I have time to get coffee when it runs.  Any help would be great.  I'm pretty good with SQL, so no newbs please.

    Don't be offended, but if your query is so awesome and you're pretty good with SQL, maybe you should be telling us how to improve its performance?

    Just an FYI, you'll get more people willing to assist you if you don't say things like this when you start off a thread.

    Looking at your query, I agree with the need to get rid of your cursors, but I also wonder why you have so many variables. Do you really need them?

    It would help if you give us DDL for tables with a couple of queries to load them with sample data. Then tell us what results you're looking for (just so we can verify what you've coded for is what you're actually getting). Then we can run all sorts of tests to verify the performance of said query.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • frederico_fonseca - Friday, October 12, 2018 6:30 PM

    insert into studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
    select *
      , getdate()
    from studly.univEnrollMain08
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    update studly.univEnrollMain08
       set change_reason = ''
    output 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar(20), inserted.ID_Number)
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    In fact, the above code can be written as a single statement
    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08
    SET change_reason = ''
    OUTPUT deleted.ID_Number
       , deleted.change_reason
       /*, ..... */ -- Add a full list of field names here. DO NOT USE *
       , GETDATE()
      INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08 (ID_Number, change_reason, /* ... */, [YOUR DATETIME FIELD]) -- Add a full list of field names here.
    OUTPUT 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar(10), deleted.ID_Number)
    WHERE LEN(ISNULL(change_reason, '')) > 0;

  • DesNorton - Saturday, October 13, 2018 5:16 AM

    frederico_fonseca - Friday, October 12, 2018 6:30 PM

    insert into studly.univEnrollMainHistory08
    select *
      , getdate()
    from studly.univEnrollMain08
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    update studly.univEnrollMain08
       set change_reason = ''
    output 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar(20), inserted.ID_Number)
    where len(isnull(change_reason, '')) > 0

    In fact, the above code can be written as a single statement
    UPDATE studly.univEnrollMain08
    SET change_reason = ''
    OUTPUT deleted.ID_Number
       , deleted.change_reason
       /*, ..... */ -- Add a full list of field names here. DO NOT USE *
       , GETDATE()
      INTO studly.univEnrollMainHistory08 (ID_Number, change_reason, /* ... */, [YOUR DATETIME FIELD]) -- Add a full list of field names here.
    OUTPUT 'Cleared change reason for ' + convert(varchar(10), deleted.ID_Number)
    WHERE LEN(ISNULL(change_reason, '')) > 0;

    Hehe... bit too advanced for the OP 😀

  • frederico_fonseca - Saturday, October 13, 2018 5:22 AM

    Hehe... bit too advanced for the OP 😀

    Nah.  He's pretty good with SQL ....

  • SQLStud 74876 - Friday, October 12, 2018 5:08 PM

    I'm pretty good with SQL, so no newbs please.

    Do you always walk into a lion's den while wearing a pork chop necklace and gravy for cologne?

    [EDIT]:  Considering a bit of revelation on my part, it may be intentional as a sign of someone truly frustrated by others... please see my next post below.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Heh... I just saw your other post on the monster wide table that violated every form of normalization there is and where every update was preserved without the benefit of proper historical auditing structures (audit tables, etc) not to mention such problems as what if there is more than 5 children (or less than 5 children) and that the SSN columns don't appear to be encrypted, just to dog-ear a couple of the multitude of problems with that table.  Few could be both that ignorant and arrogant about T-SQL, PII, and databases in general, especially all at once.  So, switching gears and giving you the benefit of the doubt, could it be that maybe, just maybe, you're a whole lot smarter than you're currently letting on to?

    Could the following scenario actually be true?

    Could it be that you're actually VERY smart about SQL Server and T-SQL and, much more importantly, about the nature of people (especially in a "hostile to the DBA" environment) and that you're stuck with a whole herd of "developers" (lower case very intentional , in this case or, perhaps, an idiot savant contractor that you need to flush out to your management?) that write the kind of awful code that you posted on all three posts and you cannot convince them to do otherwise and that you're actually getting feedback from them about how good they think they are as their self-proclaimed line of defense?  And could it be that you actually made a deal with the developers that if you posted the code even biased in their "I'm pretty good at this" direction that folks on this forum would trash the original code and then show the right way to do it, which would absolutely win you the bet and compel the "developers" to start to listen to you?

    If so, then you're a very clever and wise person.  If not, then you're actually someone that needs some severe help with what a database actually is and how it should be used.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • /*
    The block of code which assigns a value to the variable @intJCMonth
    is insanely long and overcomplicated, and quite possibly wrong too -
    check 11th - 15th  December 2018.
    I'd suggest using something like this instead. Not only will it be
    tons faster, it's easier to modify and could lead you to a solution
    with no hardcoding at all of dates.
    The same applies to populating @intMonth. You could have the values
    in the same table as this one.
    DECLARE @Job_Class_SDT smalldatetime = CONVERT(smalldatetime,@Job_class,110)
    ;WITH DateRange AS (
      RangeStart = CONVERT(DATE,RangeStart,103),
      RangeEnd = CONVERT(DATE,RangeEnd,103),
      ('16/12/2018', '01/01/2019', 1),
      ('02/01/2019', '20/01/2019', 2),
      ('18/03/2018', '01/04/2018', 4),
      ('02/04/2018', '01/05/2018', 5),
      ('02/05/2018', '01/06/2018', 6),
      ('02/06/2018', '01/07/2018', 7),
      ('02/07/2018', '01/08/2018', 8),
      ('02/08/2018', '01/09/2018', 9),
      ('02/09/2018', '01/10/2018', 10),
      ('02/10/2018', '01/11/2018', 11),
      ('02/11/2018', '01/12/2018', 12),
      ('02/12/2018', '10/12/2018', 1)
     ) d (RangeStart, RangeEnd, intJCMonth)
    SELECT @intJCMonth = intJCMonth
    FROM DateRange
    WHERE @Job_Class_SDT BETWEEN RangeStart AND RangeEnd
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Jeff Moden - Saturday, October 13, 2018 10:25 AM

    Heh... I just saw your other post on the monster wide table that violated every form of normalization there is and where every update was preserved without the benefit of proper historical auditing structures (audit tables, etc) not to mention such problems as what if there is more than 5 children (or less than 5 children) and that the SSN columns don't appear to be encrypted, just to dog-ear a couple of the multitude of problems with that table.  Few could be both that ignorant and arrogant about T-SQL, PII, and databases in general, especially all at once.  So, switching gears and giving you the benefit of the doubt, could it be that maybe, just maybe, you're a whole lot smarter than you're currently letting on to?

    Could the following scenario actually be true?

    Could it be that you're actually VERY smart about SQL Server and T-SQL and, much more importantly, about the nature of people (especially in a "hostile to the DBA" environment) and that you're stuck with a whole herd of "developers" (lower case very intentional , in this case or, perhaps, an idiot savant contractor that you need to flush out to your management?) that write the kind of awful code that you posted on all three posts and you cannot convince them to do otherwise and that you're actually getting feedback from them about how good they think they are as their self-proclaimed line of defense?  And could it be that you actually made a deal with the developers that if you posted the code even biased in their "I'm pretty good at this" direction that folks on this forum would trash the original code and then show the right way to do it, which would absolutely win you the bet and compel the "developers" to start to listen to you?

    If so, then you're a very clever and wise person.  If not, then you're actually someone that needs some severe help with what a database actually is and how it should be used.

    Winner!  Well, not VERY smart, but smarter than the "idiot savant" who crapped this out.  The poor people who own the company had no idea what was under the hood.  They trusted a friend who "knows a great programmer." I have my work cut out for me, but luckily we now have some sharp SQL developers to help out.  Thank you for the posts, sorry for the way I went about it.

  • SQLStud 74876 - Monday, October 15, 2018 12:04 PM

    Jeff Moden - Saturday, October 13, 2018 10:25 AM

    Heh... I just saw your other post on the monster wide table that violated every form of normalization there is and where every update was preserved without the benefit of proper historical auditing structures (audit tables, etc) not to mention such problems as what if there is more than 5 children (or less than 5 children) and that the SSN columns don't appear to be encrypted, just to dog-ear a couple of the multitude of problems with that table.  Few could be both that ignorant and arrogant about T-SQL, PII, and databases in general, especially all at once.  So, switching gears and giving you the benefit of the doubt, could it be that maybe, just maybe, you're a whole lot smarter than you're currently letting on to?

    Could the following scenario actually be true?

    Could it be that you're actually VERY smart about SQL Server and T-SQL and, much more importantly, about the nature of people (especially in a "hostile to the DBA" environment) and that you're stuck with a whole herd of "developers" (lower case very intentional , in this case or, perhaps, an idiot savant contractor that you need to flush out to your management?) that write the kind of awful code that you posted on all three posts and you cannot convince them to do otherwise and that you're actually getting feedback from them about how good they think they are as their self-proclaimed line of defense?  And could it be that you actually made a deal with the developers that if you posted the code even biased in their "I'm pretty good at this" direction that folks on this forum would trash the original code and then show the right way to do it, which would absolutely win you the bet and compel the "developers" to start to listen to you?

    If so, then you're a very clever and wise person.  If not, then you're actually someone that needs some severe help with what a database actually is and how it should be used.

    Winner!  Well, not VERY smart, but smarter than the "idiot savant" who crapped this out.  The poor people who own the company had no idea what was under the hood.  They trusted a friend who "knows a great programmer." I have my work cut out for me, but luckily we now have some sharp SQL developers to help out.  Thank you for the posts, sorry for the way I went about it.

    Oh, wow. So I thought you really did code that. Yikes. Apologies for the assumption.

    Yeah, that code needs to be shredded. As does any table underlying it.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • When I asked him why he did it this way, the guy who created this mastery told me that he was "just using the technology of the time".  He did this from 2010 to present.  I think RDBMS has been around since the 70's.

  • SQLStud 74876 - Monday, October 15, 2018 12:32 PM

    When I asked him why he did it this way, the guy who created this mastery told me that he was "just using the technology of the time".  He did this from 2010 to present.  I think RDBMS has been around since the 70's.

    Nah - basically someone that didn't know what he was doing back then. Maybe he was learning then (incorrectly) and didn't want to go through the hassle of changing it after he learned how to do it "better" at a later stage.

  • SQLStud 74876 - Monday, October 15, 2018 12:04 PM

    Jeff Moden - Saturday, October 13, 2018 10:25 AM

    Heh... I just saw your other post on the monster wide table that violated every form of normalization there is and where every update was preserved without the benefit of proper historical auditing structures (audit tables, etc) not to mention such problems as what if there is more than 5 children (or less than 5 children) and that the SSN columns don't appear to be encrypted, just to dog-ear a couple of the multitude of problems with that table.  Few could be both that ignorant and arrogant about T-SQL, PII, and databases in general, especially all at once.  So, switching gears and giving you the benefit of the doubt, could it be that maybe, just maybe, you're a whole lot smarter than you're currently letting on to?

    Could the following scenario actually be true?

    Could it be that you're actually VERY smart about SQL Server and T-SQL and, much more importantly, about the nature of people (especially in a "hostile to the DBA" environment) and that you're stuck with a whole herd of "developers" (lower case very intentional , in this case or, perhaps, an idiot savant contractor that you need to flush out to your management?) that write the kind of awful code that you posted on all three posts and you cannot convince them to do otherwise and that you're actually getting feedback from them about how good they think they are as their self-proclaimed line of defense?  And could it be that you actually made a deal with the developers that if you posted the code even biased in their "I'm pretty good at this" direction that folks on this forum would trash the original code and then show the right way to do it, which would absolutely win you the bet and compel the "developers" to start to listen to you?

    If so, then you're a very clever and wise person.  If not, then you're actually someone that needs some severe help with what a database actually is and how it should be used.

    Winner!  Well, not VERY smart, but smarter than the "idiot savant" who crapped this out.  The poor people who own the company had no idea what was under the hood.  They trusted a friend who "knows a great programmer." I have my work cut out for me, but luckily we now have some sharp SQL developers to help out.  Thank you for the posts, sorry for the way I went about it.

    Heh.... your role reversal was nearly impeccable.  One of the giveaways was that I could feel the sarcasm dripping with your "Easy, right?" comment.  Your humility about "not VERY smart" and your comment about the "poor people who own the company" make you someone that I'd love to work with.
    Well played, good Sir!

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Not fair!!! I feel deceived!!! 
    was hopping for a healthy discussion on the benefits of good coding and database design!!!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

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