Blog Post

Friday Reading 2017-04-07


As this is being published I’m on my way up to Dublin airport to head on over to the UK for SQLBits. I’ve never been before and it’s always being mentioned as people’s favourite SQL event so I’m really looking forward to it.

Anyway, this week I’ve been reading…

How to Talk Yourself out of your New Year’s Blogging Resolution… One Day At A Time

Tongue in cheek article about getting started blogging. There’s one great line… “One of the best ways to learn more is to risk being accidentally stupid on the internet.”

Among Giants

Monica Rathbun talks about how she became an MVP and what you can do for someone you think deserves to be awarded.

Is this database being used?

Nice post on the various different ways to see if a database is being used

Inside the Hunt for Russia’s Most Notorious Hacker

Wired’s article on the investigation into a notorious hacker group. Very interesting.

Have a good weekend and if you’re at SQLBits, I’m presenting on Saturday morning in Dome 8 @ 09:30, come and say hello! ??


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