July 30, 2018 at 3:26 pm
Previously when using trace files (.trc) I was able to group these files, and import them into an application called clear trace . That way I could have multiple clients run the same template in profiler to find issues within our application. This was basic and allowed the developers to fix low hanging fruit. We are trying to move to extended events and standardize those. Doing the manual analysis is becoming difficult since we get a .xel every couple days. We also are doing things like server performance and query performance. I did some reading and saw that DMVs could help, or even power shell. I am not sure where to start. i am sure many people are running extended events, and do analysis using tools. Can I get some recommendations on how to automate reading and interpreting these logs?
July 31, 2018 at 8:06 am
I think I have this in the wrong area. After doing some looking I see extended event questions in the Admin forum. If you do have an answer I am still listening to this thread also.
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