PerfMon: Using SQL Server Performance Counters

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item PerfMon: Using SQL Server Performance Counters

    Br. Kenneth Igiri
    All nations come to my light, all kings to the brightness of my rising

  • Hi Kenneth, I tried following your talk, my sql is 2016, I chose the sql template when I hit finish Powershell opens then it errors I see text in red lines then disappears. Does PAL record errors somewhere in a file?


  • eliassal wrote:

    Hi Kenneth, I tried following your talk, my sql is 2016, I chose the sql template when I hit finish Powershell opens then it errors I see text in red lines then disappears. Does PAL record errors somewhere in a file?


    Hi Eliassal. Unfortunately I haven't seen that in PAL.

    But the PAL programme does something like invoking a batch script that runs a PowerShell commandlet. So it may be possible to catch the errors by using techniques for catching PowerShell errors. I haven't done this though. Here is my batch script:

    start /LOW /WAIT Powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -File ".\PAL.ps1" -Log "C:\PerfLogs\Admin\SQL Server DCS\IGIRI01_20220702-000001\DataCollector01.blg" -ThresholdFile "C:\Program Files\PAL\PAL\SystemOverview.xml" -Interval "AUTO" -IsOutputHtml $True -HtmlOutputFileName "[LogFileName]_PAL_ANALYSIS_[DateTimeStamp].htm" -IsOutputXml $False -XmlOutputFileName "[LogFileName]_PAL_ANALYSIS_[DateTimeStamp].xml" -AllCounterStats $False -OutputDir "C:\PAL Reports" -NumberOfThreads 4 -IsLowPriority $True -OS "Windows Server" -PhysicalMemory "16" -UserVa "2048"

    You could explore this by replace the arguments with yours.


    Br. Kenneth Igiri
    All nations come to my light, all kings to the brightness of my rising

  • While I have known how to use PerfMon for some time, what I'm searching for today is information on specific counters to select from the many available under "SQL Server" group(s) in PerfMon.

    It seems to me that there are now so many counters available in PerfMon (for example, both a "Process" group and a "Processor" group) that it is becoming more difficult to choose meaningful counters, for SQL Server and other purposes.

    The short descriptions offered in PerfMon by checking the checkbox don't really fill the need for understanding what each counter is "good for".

    The "how to operate the tool" information looks thoughtfully done, it just didn't go to the next step to recommend specific counters.

  • Thanks for the feedback, Wayne! Great idea for a new article. Been quite a while ago.

    PS: Interestingly, while writing it I did wonder whether anyone was actually still using PerfMon with so many third arty tools out there.

    Br. Kenneth Igiri
    All nations come to my light, all kings to the brightness of my rising

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