Blog Post

Friday Reading 2017-03-17


As this is being posted I’m on my way up to Dublin Airport to catch my flight to Iceland ready for SQL Saturday Iceland tomorrow! Been looking forward to this for a while now, my first opportunity to give a full session on a subject that I’ve become quite involved in, containers.

After the session I’m hanging around for a few days afterwards to explore, it’s going to be amazing but that does mean no posts next week ?? (ha)

A bit of shameless self promotion first: –

Summary of my Container Series

I’ve added this because I’ve written a few posts about containers and thought it’d be handy to have one page that references them all.

Ding – The World’s Largest Mobile Top-up Network Streamlines QA with SQL Server Containers has published a case study I wrote on how implemented containers to improve their QA processes. This could be handy for anyone looking at doing the same

So anyway, this week I’ve been reading: –

Defending Invoke-SqlCmd

Should this cmdlet be used? Some think not, others…

The Biggest Danger to your Database: Me

Love articles like this! Everyone makes mistakes and it takes guts to post them online.

The Database Corruption Challenge

I’ve linked to this (lots of times) before but it’s really good practice for DBAs so want to keep putting it out there

DevOps Isn’t Perfect

DevOps is all the rage at the moment. Steve Jones talks about how the process should lead to fewer mistakes

Alright that’s it from me. Have a good weekend and I’ll see you in just over a week.


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