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Webinar – Datacenter Madness – Application Altercation


I hope you all can join me for an upcoming webinar as part of the Datacenter Madness webinar series, presented by ActualTech Media, Nutanix, and Intel. The Madness is moving from the basketball court to the cloud. It’s time for the ultimate data center showdown where opponents will go head-to-head debating the hottest methods IT pros are relying on to eliminate IT complexity and build the Enterprise Cloud of the future.

I’m dueling in Round #2 on March 28th at 2pm Eastern to discuss traditional RDBMS versus NoSQL databases and separate virtualization stacks versus integrated hypervisors. It’s sure to be a blast!

In the second round of March DC Madness, we’re all about applications. How will applications evolve in the age of cloud? How will they be run? Watch the referee for this one—it’ll be a heated match-up!


How will enterprise applications evolve and what type of databases will hold the PBs of data generated in the coming years? Will RDBMS continue to rule the DC, or will the challenger NoSQL be the new king?

Virtualization Throwdown:

Now that the market has embraced virtualization as the norm for practically all workloads in the datacenter, does it make sense for applications and VMs to run on a separately deployed virtualization stack? Or has the hypervisor become another integrated feature?

Register for this exciting series of webinars today!


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