I’m very excited to announce I’ll be giving a session at the 15th edition of dataMinds Connect (in the beginning it was called SQL Server Day(s)). It will be my 11th session at the event (I think only Nico Jacobs has more; Nico has done a perfect strike: 15 sessions!). I will be talking about T-SQL performance tuning for the BI/DWH/ETL developer (also called data engineer nowadays I guess). The abstract:
When building a data warehouse (DWH) in the Microsoft Data Platform stack, you typically have to write a fair share of T-SQL. Loading data into the data warehouse, transforming it into the desired format, troubleshooting and debugging, writing source queries for reports; all of those task require some T-SQL and preferably it’s fast as well.
In this session, we’ll go over some T-SQL best practices from the viewpoint of the BI developer. We’ll also cover indexing for the data warehouse and how you can make that SSRS report a bit faster. At the end, you’ll walk out with solid knowledge on how to improve your T-SQL skills and deliver results faster. Most of this will also be directly transferable to other databases vendors.
The agenda looks very promising, with many exciting sessions by international and local speakers. As usual, there’s also a precon track on Monday. So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets now, as seats are limited (and you get an early bird discount!).
Hope to see you in Mechelen at the 10th & 11th of October!

The post Speaking at dataMinds Connect 2022 first appeared on Under the kover of business intelligence.