Strange Issue With Data Corruption

  • Our Reporting process works like this

    00:00 - SQL Takes it's daily Full backup of the OLTP Database.  Backups use CheckSum and Verify

    02-00 - A different SQL Instance used for Reporting restores this database onto this instance

    03-00 - A SQL Job on the Reporting Instance runs a process to create flattened heavily indexed reporting tables

    Last night this SQL Job failed and it appears to fail due to corrupted data.  I ran a CHECKDB and isolated the corruption to  4 tables.  2 were transient reporting tables so could be ignored but 2 were critical tables, one with 27m rows,  and the corruption was in the data pages not indexes.

    First I restored the same backup to the reporting server and experienced the same corruption in the same tables.

    I couldn't run CheckDB on the OLTP DB due to the performance hit, but did run CheckTable on the two tables which were corrupted in my reporting DB.  Both came back ok.  I also checked the log of our weekly CheckDB of the OLTP DB which runs each Saturday.  That was fine last Sat.

    I then took a new backup of the OLTP DB, and restored this to the reporting instance.  No corruption.

    I'm at a loss as to what caused the original corruption.  The original backup file seemed to have been corrupt as restoring it again showed the same corruption in the same tables, but how could it be corrupt if it was verified and check summed, and SQL didn't have any issue restoring it?

    I've checked with our infrastructure team and they can't see any IO issues on the VMs or physical hosts.

    Anything else I can check or read up on?

  • When you restored the prod db a second time to reporting, did you first drop de reporting db or did you restore with replace ?

    In such case it will reuse the under laying files as allocated.

    So it may hit the same DISK issues.

    Check the disk/volume for errors.


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  • Interesting, and sadly, I actually cannot remember. I did drop the DB but can't remember if that was the first or second restore.

    If we assume I didn't drop it and restored into the old one, that would suggest the reporting DB MDF file and not the backup being restored had corruption?

  • For reference, I've been referred to this article that infers that yes, a backup that is verified, check summed, and can be restored without error, might still be corrupt which was news to me

  • Indeed, that's why we always perform DBCC CHECKDB after a database restore.


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  • I have now restored the backup to completely different hardware and done a CheckDB and it was fine so the issue is very much with the Reporting DB MDF file and not the bak file by the looks of it, as you suggested in post 2.

    Still no idea what caused that though.

  • planetmatt wrote:


    Still no idea what caused that though.

    hardware issue


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