Performance when Inserting into nvarchar vs varchar

  • Hi

    A stored proc was running v.slow.

    The problem was
    select fieldlist into #t from myview

    Time taken to select from the view doesn't change that  much.

    I changed the SP to use a normal table so it became
    delete wtblCustomer
    insert into wtblCustomer (fieldlist...)
    select fieldlist.... from myview order by CustomerID asc

    There is a PK clustered (CustomerID as int) on wtblCustomer

    This improved v.much.
    The wtblCustomer was created with varchar fields. The view columns are nvarchar.
    To be consistent with the output generated previously.
    I created wtblCustomer with nvarchar fields:

    The insert with nvarchar takes >10 times longer!!

    It's a small table e.g. < 10000 rows and when fields are varchar is < 5MB
    Collation is the same from view and work table.

    I recompiled the SP after I switch varchar to nvarchar.

    So it would seem it's not inserting into a temp table but using nvarchar.

    Any ideas?

  • Look up CONVERT_IMPLICIT and see if that is in play here.

    I note that in my almost 25 years of consulting on SQL Server MISMATCHED DATA TYPES ARE THE NUMBER ONE PERFORMANCE PROBLEM I SEE IN TOTAL!!!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thanks 
    A quick look indicates in the view no implicit type conversions on join criteria or where clause - however there are many in case statements e.g.
    case when is numeric(fld1) then cast(fld1 as int) else 0 end as intFld1

    I am confused, I can understand if the view was slow to return but it returns quickly in results pane.

    What is going on to make creating a temp table so slow Or inserting into a table defined as nvarchar slow, looking at the information_schema.columns the views' char fields are nvarchar.
    When it inserts into a table defined as varchar its quick.

    Tempdb and the view's db are different collations

  • First thank you v.much, without your suggestion of type conversions I wouldn't have found it.

    The main view joined to a customer orders view

    Create view customerorders
    with freePeriod
        SELECT freePeriod = -1 * funcGetParam_asint('DaysFreePeriod')
    SELECT fldlist,
    CASE WHEN DATEADD(day, Days.freePeriod, CO.BillingStartDate) < GETDATE() then 1 ELSE 0 END as isActive
    FROM tblCustomerOrders as CO
    CROSS JOIN freePeriod as Days

    When I hardcoded the value
    SELECT fldlist,
    CASE WHEN DATEADD(day, -20, CO.BillingStartDate) < GETDATE() then 1 ELSE 0 END as isActive
    FROM tblCustomerOrders as CO

    funcGetParam_asint looks in a table for a single row/column (nvarchar) and converts to an int. Its a way the free period can be altered without having to alter the view (non sql person can do it via an App). The same table holds other params which may be strings. I guess I'll have to split the table into an integer param table.

    I don't understand why this didn't affect the select performance of parent view but only the insert?

  • You are welcome. 

    The answer to your question will be found in the query plan.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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