Is there a way to email a PDF version of rpt and render an HTML version in email body

  • Hi All,

    I've been searched online to see if anyone has come up with a creative way to send a single mail with a SSRS report rendered 2 different ways. Example: send a PDF attachment, but also render SSRS report results in the body of email as HTML. I know you can set up 2 subscriptions, but I'm trying to avoid that approach. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  • Hi,
    The way I achieved this was
    Two subscriptions. One which places an excel version of the report onto a network share and the other which places a html version of the report onto a network share.
    An SSIS package which runs a script task which picks up both files - creates an attachment of the excel file and puts the html into the body of the email.
    This script task then sends the email.
    It works well. Downside is there are 3 subscriiptions/jobs which need to be managed.

  • Thank you for the feedback. I have not used SSIS

    but will reach that option further. I appreciate the help!!!

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