Dropping database from other node.

  • Getting the error while trying to drop the db from other node.

    Msg 214, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 1 [Batch Start Line 418]
    Procedure expects parameter '@params' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'.

    declare @linkedserverName sysname= 'ServerXXX', @DBname sysname = 'Dbname'
    DECLARE @dml nvarchar(max) = N''
    SELECT @dml += 'SELECT name FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@linkedserverName) +
         '.[master].[sys].databases WHERE name = ''' + @DBname + ''' AND state_desc != ''ONLINE'''

    SELECT @dml

    Declare @retVal Int;
    EXEC sp_executesql @dml, '@retVal int output', @retVal output

    IF @retVal > 0
        Print 'DB present in other node'
         declare @cmd_6 nvarchar(1000);
        set @cmd_6 = 'DROP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@DBname);
         Set @cmd_6 = QUOTENAME(@linkedserverName) + '.master..sp_executesql N''' + @cmd_6 + '''';
         SELECT @cmd_6
         exec sp_executesql @cmd_6
    Print 'DB does not present in other node'


  • Put an N before the second parameter of sp_executesql.


  • Not sure why the output results are coming as NULL. Any advise?

    declare @linkedserverName sysname= 'server', @DBname sysname = 'db'
    DECLARE @dml nvarchar(max) = N''
    SELECT @dml += 'SELECT name FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@linkedserverName) +
         '.[master].[sys].databases WHERE name = ''' + @DBname + ''' AND state_desc != ''ONLINE'''

    --SELECT @dml = STUFF(@dml, 1, 10, '')
    SELECT @dml

    Declare @retVal varchar(1000)
    --Put up the N
    EXEC sp_executesql @dml, N'@retVal nvarchar(1000) output', @retVal output
    SELECT @retVal

    IF @retVal > 0
        Print 'DB present in other node'
         declare @cmd_6 nvarchar(1000);
        set @cmd_6 = 'DROP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@DBname);
         Set @cmd_6 = QUOTENAME(@linkedserverName) + '.master..sp_executesql N''' + @cmd_6 + '''';
         SELECT @cmd_6
         exec sp_executesql @cmd_6
    Print 'DB does not present in other node'


  • You mean from SELECT @retval?  It's because you have no @retval in your code.  I would remove those second and third parameters - they don't serve any useful purpose.


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