Restore Failed Error 38 (Reached end of the file)

  • Hello brilliant minds of the SQL Community,

    We are running SQL 2008R2 SP3 (yes, I know.. I've been trying to get them to upgrade)
    We take SQL backups using Ola H's solution to a network location for all our Production databases, and we restore about half of them daily into another set of SQL servers.

    For a while now, there is this ONE database that the restore fails now and then, about 3 times/month, with error

    Msg 3203, Level 16, State 1, Server MyServer, Line 111
    Read on "\\\SQL$\SQLBackups\MyServer\MyDatabase\FULL\MyServer_MyDatabase_FULL_20170709_012504.bak" failed: 38(Reached the end of the file.)
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server MyServer, Line 111
    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    My restore scripts run a test if the file is good before attempting the restore:
    DISK = @DISK

    If we run the restore again, it works.

    The "network" location is a EMC data domain and they run deduplication (yes, I know it's bad but they are stubborn and don't want to turn it off). We'll soon start using DDBoost (which I'm dreading)

    The only thing I can think of is this old post, but not sure if it applies.
    The link talks about some file system filtering, which I'm not sure if it matters since the BAK file is not stored on the SQL Server.

    Any ideas how to tacke this problem?


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