
  • I have a table in SSRS which has rows in green and some rows in blue color code based on an expression for background color.
    I would like to count the number of green rows and number of blue rows and then represent them in a pie chart.How do I do this?
    Is this possible?

  • Can't speak for anyone else, but without data and maybe a screenshot of your report, it's impossible to say.

  • pietlinden - Thursday, June 22, 2017 8:55 AM

    Can't speak for anyone else, but without data and maybe a screenshot of your report, it's impossible to say.

    Ex: My table has 100 rows. Lets say I have 30 rows in red and 70 rows in green ; color coded using an expression.
    I want to represent the same 70/30  in a pie chart. How do I achieve it ?

  • If the expression you used to segment the records into the 30/70 split is part of your dataset, then it's stupid easy,
    Open the report, switch to Design mode, Right-click your dataset, then choose Add Calculated Field, Then you name the Column and provide an expression for it.  This adds the field to the dataset, and then you can do whatever you want with it - group by it, etc.

    Now that the color rule is part of your dataset, you can create a pie chart and use the calculated field

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