min date for repeated values

  • Hi Expert,

    I wanted to fetch min date records where value column data is repeated


    create table test3

    (newdate datetime,status varchar(22),value varchar(22)


    insert into test3


    ('2021-06-16 09:44:47.000', 'Newthree', '6 - 1'),

    ('2022-04-01 18:00:57.000', 'Newthree', '6 - 1'),

    ('2022-03-28 15:58:40.000', 'Newtwo', '3 - Test'),

    ('2022-03-31 15:20:17.000', 'Newtwo', '8 - MO'),

    ('2022-04-01 18:20:27.000', 'Newtwo', '8 - MO'),

    ('2022-03-28 12:48:46.000', 'Newone', '4 - Dead'),

    ('2022-04-01 18:20:28.000', 'Newone', '7 - Lost')

    expected output

    ('2021-06-16 09:44:47.000', 'Newthree', '6 - 1')

    ('2022-03-28 15:58:40.000', 'Newtwo', '3 - Test')

    ('2022-03-31 15:20:17.000', 'Newtwo', '8 - MO'),

    ('2022-03-28 12:48:46.000', 'Newone', '4 - Dead'),

    ('2022-04-01 18:20:28.000', 'Newone', '7 - Lost')

  • Can you do us a favor?  If you are going to expect us to write your code for you, can you at least follow the guidelines that make it far easier to provide an answer?

    Here is the link.


    Please read the article.

    And, have you tried the MIN function and a GROUP BY????

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • sure

  • The following query will satisfy your requirements

    WITH cteData AS (
    SELECT t.*
    , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY t.status, t.value
    ORDER BY t.newdate )
    FROM test3 AS t
    SELECT d.status, d.value, d.newdate
    FROM cteData AS d
    WHERE d.rn = 1;

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