January 31, 2017 at 12:18 pm
I have a table with the following information
I want to update the Fordward Schd Date Column where the values are Null.
The logic is to update the column for SubAss 1.2 first, then 1.1.1 then 1.1 and lastly 1.
For 1.2 it’ll take the snapshot date and add CycleTime to get the FordSchd Date value. Then code will take the max value from GC and get values for GB. Then get the max value for GB and get Fordward Schd for GA and then lastly get Max Value from GA to calculate Fordward Schd Date for M. So this is how it should look like
I am able to figure this out without looking into SubAss I did something like this
SET @DATE = DATEADD (MINUTE, CycleTime,SnapShotDate)
But I am not sure how to setup the logic from bottom to top. Any ideas?
January 31, 2017 at 1:17 pm
ajkarora - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 12:18 PMI have a table with the following information
I want to update the Fordward Schd Date Column where the values are Null.
The logic is to update the column for SubAss 1.2 first, then 1.1.1 then 1.1 and lastly 1.
For 1.2 it’ll take the snapshot date and add CycleTime to get the FordSchd Date value. Then code will take the max value from GC and get values for GB. Then get the max value for GB and get Fordward Schd for GA and then lastly get Max Value from GA to calculate Fordward Schd Date for M. So this is how it should look likeI am able to figure this out without looking into SubAss I did something like this
SET @DATE = DATEADD (MINUTE, CycleTime,SnapShotDate)But I am not sure how to setup the logic from bottom to top. Any ideas?
If you post a create table statement and insert statements perhaps someone will workout an answer for you.
January 31, 2017 at 1:27 pm
Joe Torre - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 1:17 PMajkarora - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 12:18 PMI have a table with the following information
I want to update the Fordward Schd Date Column where the values are Null.
The logic is to update the column for SubAss 1.2 first, then 1.1.1 then 1.1 and lastly 1.
For 1.2 it’ll take the snapshot date and add CycleTime to get the FordSchd Date value. Then code will take the max value from GC and get values for GB. Then get the max value for GB and get Fordward Schd for GA and then lastly get Max Value from GA to calculate Fordward Schd Date for M. So this is how it should look likeI am able to figure this out without looking into SubAss I did something like this
SET @DATE = DATEADD (MINUTE, CycleTime,SnapShotDate)But I am not sure how to setup the logic from bottom to top. Any ideas?
cIf you post a create table statement and insert statements perhaps someone will workout an answer for you.
Here's the Query that I created
@TravLotID2 AS INT,
@ProcessID AS INT,
@ProjectedCycleTime as INT,
dbo.harbor_fn_ProcessRunTime(TL.TravLotID, p.ProcessID, tdmt.ManualRunTime, 1) AS ProjectedCycleTime,
(SELECT MAX(ms.DateTimeIn) FROM TravelerLot t1
LEFT JOIN MoveStat ms ON TL.TravLotID = ms.TravLotID AND P.ProcessID = ms.ProcessID) AS DateTimeIn,
(SELECT MAX(ms.DateTimeOut)
FROM TravelerLot t1
LEFT JOIN MoveStat ms ON TL.TravLotID = ms.TravLotID AND P.ProcessID = ms.ProcessID) AS DateTimeOut,
GETDATE() AS SnapShotDate
FROM TravelerLot AS TL
LEFT JOIN STATUS s1 ON s1.statusid = TL.statusid
LEFT JOIN TravDetail AS td ON tl.TravID = td.TravID
INNER JOIN WorkOrderLot AS wol ON tl.LotID = wol.LotID
LEFT JOIN Process AS p ON td.ProcessID = p.ProcessID
LEFT JOIN harbor_TravDetailManualRunTime tdmt ON tl.TravLotID = tdmt.TravLotID
AND td.TravLineNum = tdmt.TravLineNum
WHERE SubASS != '999' AND s1.StatusDesc = 'Active' AND tl.lotid = 88479 --REMOVE LOTID WHEN GOING LIVE
ORDER BY TL.LotID, TL.SubAss, tl.TravLotID
ADD ForwardSchdDate DATETIME;
UPDATE #TEMPTABLE SET ForwardSchdDate = DateTimeOut
WHILE (isnull((Select COUNT (*) FROM #TempTable WHERE ForwardSchdDate IS NULL),0) > 0 )
Select Top 1 @TravLotID2 = TravLotID,
@ProcessID = ProcessID,
@RowNum = rownum,
@ProjectedCycleTime = ProjectedCycleTime
FROM #TempTable
where ForwardSchdDate IS NULL
Order By RowNum
-- PRINT 'ROWNUM ' + CONVERT(Varchar(10),@RowNum)
SET @Date = (Select ForwardSchdDate From #TempTable where RowNum = (@RowNum - 1) AND TravlotID = @TravLotID2)
-- PRINT '@DATE ' + CONVERT(Varchar(10),@DATE)
SET @DATE = DATEADD (MINUTE,@ProjectedCycleTime,@SnapShotDate)--@Date)
-- PRINT '@DATE ' + CONVERT(Varchar(10),@DATE)
UPDATE #TempTable SET ForwardSchdDate = @Date where RowNum=@RowNum AND TravlotID = @TravLotID2
January 31, 2017 at 1:42 pm
Is that your solution or? You haven't given us DDL and DLM, as Joe suggested, so the above query doesn't help us.We don't have access to your data, so running it going to not help us to help you.
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
January 31, 2017 at 2:04 pm
Thom A - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 1:42 PMIs that your solution or? You haven't given us DDL and DLM, as Joe suggested, so the above query doesn't help us.We don't have access to your data, so running it going to not help us to help you.
That's not the complete solution. I'm going based on that Query to get the information I need. However, Here's the DDL for table and INSERT date
[TravLotID] [INT] NULL,
[RowNum] [INT] NULL,
[TravType] [VARCHAR](2) NULL,
[SubAss] [VARCHAR](15) NULL,
[CycleTime] [INT] NULL,
[DateTimeOut] [DATETIME] NULL,
[SnapShotDate] [DATETIME] NULL,
[FordwardSchdDate] [DATETIME] NULL
Here's the insert query
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,1,'M','1',5,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),GETDATE());
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,2,'M','1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,3,'M','1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,1,'GA','1.1',5,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),GETDATE());
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,2,'GA','1.1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,3,'GA','1.1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,1,'GB','1.1.1',5,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),GETDATE());
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,2,'GB','1.1.1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,3,'GB','1.1.1',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,1,'GC','1.2',5,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),GETDATE());
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,2,'GC','1.2',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.test VALUES (136855,88479,3,'GC','1.2',5,NULL,GETDATE(),NULL);
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