Add article to transaction replication without generating a snapshot at all

  • I have a transaction replication and the subscription was synced from snapshot years ago. Now I have a new table that needs to be added to the replication. Problem is the table is close to a TB and I do not want to generate a snapshot for that table instead just want the new data to be synced, kinda like when you sync from backup. Its inserts only to the table and I can sync the old data manually later.

    How do I make replication to start transferring the data without generating the snapshot.

  • Hi,
    I think this is impossible, if you try to add new article to your subscription, and you play with these 2 parameters:

    EXEC sp_changepublication
    @publication = 'your_publication_name',
    @property = 'allow_anonymous',
    @value = 'false'

    EXEC sp_changepublication
    @publication = 'your_publication_name',
    @property = 'immediate_sync',
    @value = 'false'

    you only create a snapshot for the new article. In your case, if the table ist x TB big, you create a snapshot with x TB.

    Kind regards,

  • jesijesijesi - Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:22 PM

    I have a transaction replication and the subscription was synced from snapshot years ago. Now I have a new table that needs to be added to the replication. Problem is the table is close to a TB and I do not want to generate a snapshot for that table instead just want the new data to be synced, kinda like when you sync from backup. Its inserts only to the table and I can sync the old data manually later.

    How do I make replication to start transferring the data without generating the snapshot.

    add article to publication with sp_addarticle and after this run sp_addsubscription with @sync_type = 'replication support only" 
    check @sync_type parameter.

  • Hi,
    if you just want to replicate the newer data, you can create and work with this kind of "filter":
    If you have synchronized your data, you can tune your filter, to get more and more data from the publisher to the subscriber.
    Kind regards,

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