Error when trying to browse dimension/role, but not when browsing the cube

  • Ahoi,

    i have an annoying problem since upgrading vom 2016 to 2019.

    I have users modifying my the roles in my multimendionsal project.

    The users have role access to one of the cubes and can browse it using: SSMS/Excel WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS

    But they can not browse the dimensions, even though they can browse the dimension when browsing the cube.

    They need to browse the dimensions though to edit roles on "Dimension Data" level.

    They get the following error:

    The dimension does not contain hierarchies. Ensure that the dimension has been processed. (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio)

    Program Location:

    at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Browse.DimensionBrowser.EstablishConnection()
    at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Browse.DimensionBrowser..ctor(String nameOfDimension, Object dimensionObject, IServiceProvider iserviceProvider, DesignerPageRelevantData designerPageRelevantData, UserContextData securityContextData)
    at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Browse.DimensionBrowserHostControl.CreateBrowser()
    at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Browse.BrowserHostControl.LoadBrowser()

    I tried giving the following permissions on and off, but the only thing that made a difference was administrator rights, which is too much for obvious reasons. Only with the admin rights someones currently able to browse a dimension/edit Dimension data in a role.

    The question is, how do i enable them to do so without full admin rights in the role?

    I was expecting the read acess setting in their role of the dimensions to be enough.

    I attached my setting tests/permutations as picture (since i somehow can not add the picture directly into the post anymore).


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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

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