Results of stored procedure into Excel

  • Hi

    I have a stored procedure called dbo.spr_RegionalSales

    I use an Exexute SQL transformation to execute this procedure but I don't know how to save the results of the output into an Excel file on the file directory (the last bit of the procedure is a simple select statement from a cte table called RegionSales).

    I know if I changed the procedure so that it inserted the final output into a permanent table I could just use a data flow task from that table to the file directory; but I wondered whether there was a way of avoiding this?

    Thanks in advance.


  • If you data flow is complaining because it can' determine the Meta Data from the stored procedure then you could use:

    exec p_MyProcedureName WITH RESULT SETS ((myID INT NOT NULL, myField1 VARCHAR(2), myField2 DECIMAL(15,2) etc...))

    You change this for your own procedure name and field definitions.

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