auto script for auto-run to change sql login from British English to English language setting

  • Hello,

    We have an application which depends heavily on SQL login's security Language setting (date related) and wouldn't display the contents if the dates are wrongly set on the Login Security. I change them manually for new starters from British English to English (US) and then it works fine.

    I need to write an overnight script, which can identify new Starters and change them from British English to English (US).

    Will this System SP do the job? "sp_defaultlanguage"

    How can I query the Sys table first for British English language users before changing them?

    Thank you,


  • interesting issue datsun; here's how i would do it.

    the detection for me would simply be to query sys.server_principals:

    select 'EXEC sp_defaultlanguage @loginame=''' + name + ''',@language=''us_english''',*

    from sys.server_principals

    where type_desc in('SQL_LOGIN','WINDOWS_LOGIN','WINDOWS_GROUP')

    AND default_language_name <> 'us_english'

    i would use FOR XML to generate a suite of statements like this as a final resource:

    SELECT @command = s.Colzs


    Colzs = STUFF((SELECT ';' + 'EXEC sp_defaultlanguage @loginame='''

    + name

    + ''',@language=''us_english'''

    FROM sys.server_principals


    AND default_language_name <> 'us_english'

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)'),1,1,'')

    ) s

    PRINT @command

    if ISNULL(@command,'') <> ''



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  • Lowell,

    Perfect. This will do. I will restrict it to Windows Login only and since there is a create_date, that's quite useful for new starters from this month only.

    five ***** stars badge for you!


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