AlwaysOn listener problems

  • I've set up a listener to my AlwaysOn group on port 5023. We'll call it 'DB_Lstnr'. The port is unblocked.

    I try doing a simple connect, in SSMS, to DB_Lstnr on the same machine. 99.9% of the time it does not connect. Sometimes it times out, but more often it gives me the error:

    A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.

    The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

    (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

    The network path was not found

    It doesn't matter whether I try using the name 'DB_Lstnr' or 'DB_Lstnr, 5023'

    It never connects and gives me the same above error when I try from any other client.

    Any ideas? get-clusterresource tells me nothing. I'm not sure how to go about sniffing for handshakes and the like - don't have that expertise.

  • Hiya,

    I think I have had this problem - I solved it initially by increasing the timeout to about 5 minutes - which was a work around, and then later discovered through this forum that you can specify in additional connection options multisubnetfailover=true which then solved the problem permanently without needing a silly timeout.



  • Can you ping the listener name?

    Do you have the following protocols enabled?

    > Enable Shared Memory

    > Enable Named Pipes

    > Enable TCP/IP

  • adding the multisubnetfailover=true didn't do much.

    Strictly using SSMS, I added the multisubnetfailover=true option in the Additional Connection Properties tab and it didn't do much. Whenever it was able to connect, it would be able to do so without specifying the multisubnetfailover option or the port number. When it didn't connect, it didn't matter what option I took. This is pretty random seemingly.

    I changed the timeout on the Availability replica to 600 seconds and it still timed out after 10 seconds, so I think I need to change this somewhere else. Where would I change this?

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