Show empty weeks column for missing data

  • Hi,

    In a report, I need to show weeks column in the header regardless of missing data.

    Can somebody please advise on how to achieve this ? Please find the report and the output screenshot attached where the report shows missing week numbers where data is absent.

    The SQL query is below:

    Declare @Temp Table


    POI_LOCATION_CD varchar(5),

    EDI_PARTNER_CD varchar(35),

    Create_Dt datetime,

    Vessel_Type_cd varchar(4),

    BL_ID Numeric(10, 0),

    Week_no varchar(15),

    Mnth Varchar(15),

    Week varchar(10)


    Insert into @Temp

    Select a.POI_LOCATION_CD,a.EDI_PARTNER_CD ,a.Create_Dt,B.Vessel_Type_cd,

    a.BL_ID,(cast(datepart(yy,a.create_dt)as varchar) + right('0' + cast(datepart(wk,a.create_dt) as varchar(2)),2)) as Week_no,convert(varchar(6),a.create_dt,112) As Mnth,'W_'+ convert(varchar,datepart(yy,a.create_dt))+ RIGHT( '0' + LTRIM( RTRIM(convert(varchar,Datepart(wk,a.Create_dt))) ), 2 ) as Week

    From minigapp..mg_bill_of_lading a

    Inner Join minigapp..mg_vessel_particular (NOLOCK) b

    on a.VESSEL_CD = b.VESSEL_CD

    inner join minigapp..MG_COUNTRY c on

    substring(a.poi_location_cd,1, 2) = c.country_cd

    where A.BL_OK_FLG = 'Y'

    And b.VESSEL_TYPE_CD IN (@VesselType)-- OR '-1' IN (@VesselType))

    and c.CONTINENT_CD in ('MED', 'EUR')

    And ISNULL(A.EDI_Partner_CD, '') IN (@EDIPartner) -- OR '-1' IN (@EDIPartner)


    AND a.CREATE_DT >= '2009-01-01' Order by Datepart(wk,a.Create_dt)

    If CharIndex('Week',@View) > 0


    Select POI_LOCATION_CD,EDI_PARTNER_CD ,Create_Dt,Vessel_Type_cd,


    From @Temp

    Where (Week_no IN (@Values) OR '-1' in (@Values))

    Order by Create_dt


    Else if CharIndex('Month',@View) > 0


    Select POI_LOCATION_CD,EDI_PARTNER_CD ,Create_Dt,Vessel_Type_cd,

    BL_ID,Week_no, Mnth,Week

    From @Temp

    where (Mnth IN (@Values) OR '-1' in (@Values))

    Order by Create_dt


  • First, create a table source (e.g. temporary table, CTE, derived table, ...) that has all the weeks you need to include in your report.

    Second, replace the

    From @Temp

    Where (Week_no IN (@Values) OR '-1' in (@Values))


    From #WeeksToReport AS w -- Replace #WeeksToReport with your source of weeks to report on


    ON t.Week_no = w.Week_no

    You may have to add a COALESCE in the SELECT list to replace NULL values with zero or blank or whatever else you want to show if your reporting tool doesn't handle NULL values well.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • I'd do what Hugo suggests, using a Tally Table, which is a great way to do this.

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