Nees some help with SQL Statements

  • I have this script from and this is what I have



    [ID] [int] NULL,

    [ServerName] [varchar](200) NULL,

    [Database_Name] [varchar](200) NULL,

    [Recovery_Model] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [Creation_Date] [datetime] NULL,

    [Owner] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [IS_Mirrored] [int] NULL,

    [VLFcount] int


    --variables to hold each 'iteration'

    declare @query varchar(100)

    declare @dbname sysname

    declare @vlfs int

    --table variable used to 'loop' over databases

    declare @databases table (dbname sysname)

    insert into @databases

    --only choose online databases

    select name from sys.databases where state = 0

    --table variable to hold results

    declare @vlfcounts table

    (dbname sysname,

    vlfcount int)

    --table variable to capture DBCC loginfo output

    --changes in the output of DBCC loginfo from SQL2012 mean we have to determine the version

    declare @MajorVersion tinyint

    set @MajorVersion = LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)),CHARINDEX('.',CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)))-1)

    if @MajorVersion < 11 -- pre-SQL2012


    declare @dbccloginfo table


    fileid tinyint,

    file_size bigint,

    start_offset bigint,

    fseqno int,

    [status] tinyint,

    parity tinyint,

    create_lsn numeric(25,0)


    while exists(select top 1 dbname from @databases)


    set @dbname = (select top 1 dbname from @databases)

    set @query = 'dbcc loginfo (' + '''' + @dbname + ''') '

    insert into @dbccloginfo

    exec (@query)

    set @vlfs = @@rowcount

    insert @vlfcounts

    values(@dbname, @vlfs)

    delete from @databases where dbname = @dbname

    end --while




    declare @dbccloginfo2012 table


    RecoveryUnitId int,

    fileid tinyint,

    file_size bigint,

    start_offset bigint,

    fseqno int,

    [status] tinyint,

    parity tinyint,

    create_lsn numeric(25,0)


    while exists(select top 1 dbname from @databases)


    set @dbname = (select top 1 dbname from @databases)

    set @query = 'dbcc loginfo (' + '''' + @dbname + ''') '

    insert into @dbccloginfo2012

    exec (@query)

    set @vlfs = @@rowcount

    insert @vlfcounts

    values(@dbname, @vlfs)

    delete from @databases where dbname = @dbname

    end --while


    Declare @serverID int,

    @servername varchar (200)

    set @servername = convert( varchar(200), SERVERPROPERTY ('servername'))

    select @serverID = ID from dba.dba.dbo.serverlist

    where servername = @servername

    delete from dba.dbo.INVENTORY

    where @servername = ServerName

    Insert into dba.dbo.Inventory (ID, ServerName, Database_Name, Recovery_Model, Creation_Date, Owner, IS_Mirrored)

    SELECT @serverID, @servername,, D.recovery_model_desc, D.create_date, suser_sname(D.owner_sid), CASE When M.mirroring_state IS NUll Then 0 Else 1 END

    FROM sys.databases D

    Join sys.database_mirroring M on D.database_id = M.database_id

    Join sys.database_files F on D.state = F.state

    select * from INVENTORY

    SO now what I am trying to do is this. I need to combine both script together so I can get

    ID, ServerName, DBName, Recovery_Model, Creation_DAte, Owner, IS_Mirrored, VLFCount

    I just add the vlf script to the script I have and ran a select statement which gave me all the good information but not the VLF count. So basically I am not able to join these 2 scripts. Can I get any help from anyone since my sql skills are at the beginning stage, if you know what I mean :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D

  • Can't you just join on the tables like this?

    Insert into dbo.Inventory (ID, ServerName, Database_Name, Recovery_Model, Creation_Date, Owner, IS_Mirrored,VLFcount)

    SELECT DISTINCT @serverID, @servername,, D.recovery_model_desc, D.create_date, suser_sname(D.owner_sid), CASE When M.mirroring_state IS NUll Then 0 Else 1 END ,vlf.vlfcount

    FROM sys.databases D

    Join sys.database_mirroring M on D.database_id = M.database_id

    Join sys.database_files F on D.state = F.state

    Join @vlfcounts vlf ON =vlf.dbname

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