Installed SQL 2019 and trying to uninstall 2016 stuff and am unsuccessful.

  • I have 2 items left in Add remove programs: SQL 2016 and 2016 setup I have ran through the SQL 2016 uninstall several times but it does not allow me to remove SQL Client Connectivity SDK. I check it and then it goes to the Ready to Remove and Edition is blank and Action is uninstall. I click remove and I get an error that I can't get past. There are validation errors on this page click OK to close....

    If I redo this and instead of selecting the SDK and I select the button select all the Read to remove page adds General configuration and has Features of SQL Browser and SQL writer. When clicking remove , SQL writer states succeeded and setup support files also but Browser states skipped.

    If I try again, Same issues as described above.

    How do I get this successfully uninstalled?


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • This is your second post related to this.  A fresh install of 2019 will create the "old" folders.

    You run the risk of breaking your installation of SQL.  Why are you trying to remove all traces of the old versions?  It may not be possible, and it's just not worth it

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I renamed them for now and will see what happens over the coarse of a few months.


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