Blank space being imported during stored procedure

  • I have a stored procedure that imports a group of csv files.  The first field is called Initial and it always has 4 characters but is set to VarChar (50) because there are some blank lines at the end of the file and it will fail the import with a truncate error if I dont do that.   I have tried VarChar(4) and nchar(4) but they give the import error.

    How can I get this to import without the blank space at the beginning?  I will post the entire stored procedure for your review.

    -- these 2 should always be set in ALL sp's
    -- set nocount on; - do not output rowcounts
    -- set xact_abort on; --- if it fails on one step it does not continue executing
    --This will clear the FinalTracingImportSP table so that the access append query won't get more than one day
    Truncate table FinalTracingImportSp
    set xact_abort on;
    Declare @Query varchar(1000), @moveProcessed varchar (1000)

    Create TABLE #x(name varchar(200))

    set @Query = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "dir '+@filepath+@pattern+' /b"' -- possibly change this so that the path+pattern are within doublequotes - in case in future the path contains spaces

    insert #x exec(@query)

    Delete from #x where name is Null

    Select identity(int,1,1) as ID, name into #y from #x

    drop table #x
    if object_id('tempdb..#staging') is not null
    drop table #staging

    create table #staging
    record varchar(8000) -- change as required to be a bit over what max can be


    Declare @max1 int, @count1 int, @filename varchar (200), @validrows int

    set @max1 = (select max(ID) from #y)

    set @count1 = 0

    While @count1 <@max1


    SET @count1 = @count1 +1

    Set @filename = (select name from #y where [id] = @count1)

    print 'processing filename ' + @filename
    -- truncate staging table and load file on to it so we can count non empty lines
    -- note that this will still fail if there is an empty line on the middle of the file
    truncate table #staging

    set @query = 'BULK INSERT #staging FROM "'+@filepath+@filename+'" WITH (FIRSTROW=1, ROWTERMINATOR=''\r'')'

    Exec (@query)

    set @validrows = 0
    select @validrows = count(*)
    from #staging
    where record <> '' AND record <> 0x0A

    print 'processing filename ' + @filename + ' row count = ' + convert(varchar(20), coalesce(@validrows, -1))

    if @validrows > 1 -- only load onto main table if there are valid records on the file
    set @query = 'BULK INSERT '+@tablename+' FROM "'+@filepath+@filename+'" WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '','',FIRSTROW=2,LASTROW=' + convert(varchar(20), @validrows) + ',ROWTERMINATOR=''\r'')'

    Exec (@query)

    insert into Tracingfiles_logtable(filename) select @filename

    --set @moveProcessed = 'Move "'+@filepath+@filename+'" D:\TestTracingImport\Archive\"'+SUBSTRING(@filename, 1, LEN(@filename) - 4)+'_'+cast(Format(getdate(), 'yyyyMMddHHmmss') as varchar)+'.csv"'

    set @moveProcessed = 'Move "'+@filepath+@filename+'" D:\TestTracingImport\Archive\"'+cast(Format(getdate(), 'yyyyMMdd') as varchar)+'_'++SUBSTRING(@filename, 1, LEN(@filename) - 4)+'.csv"'

    Exec master..xp_cmdshell @moveProcessed


    Delete from TestTracingImportSP where State is Null
    --Alter table TestTracingImportSP ADD [ImportDate] DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT GETDATE()

    Insert INTO FinalTracingImportSP
    Select Initial, Number, [Location City], State, Month, Day, Time, [L or E], Event, [Train Id], [Destination City], DState, [Reporting RR], GetDate() as ImportDate
    FROM ImportWithoutDate

    --This will clear the TestTracingImportSp table so that the access append query won't get more than one day
    Truncate table TestTracingImportSp
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

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