CASE statement using TEMP table and WHERE statement?

  • Good Evening stumped again, trying to convert local currency to USD through a temp table I created and CASE statement that uses a WHERE clause, is that possible?

    Temp Table QUERY

    SELECT a.exchange_rate



    FROM Exchange_Rate a

    WHERE a.er_eff_date = (SELECT MAX(b.er_eff_date) FROM Exchange_Rate b )

    ORDER BY a.currency_id

    OUTPUT Looks good pasted er_eff_ date in as Short Date to save space





















    Final Query

    /****** This section returns current exchange rates for non USD currency_id *******/

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##CurrentExchangeRates') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE ##CurrentExchangeRates;

    SELECT a.exchange_rate



    INTO ##CurrentExchangeRates

    FROM Exchange_Rate a

    WHERE a.er_eff_date = (SELECT MAX(b.er_eff_date) FROM Exchange_Rate b )

    /****** This section returns aggregates and rolling 12 month USD Premium *******/


    d.office_name AS 'Office Name'

    ,b.value_desc AS 'Product Segment'

    ,k.value_desc AS 'Product Type'

    ,a.account_id AS 'Account ID'

    ,RTRIM(l.account_name) AS 'Account Name'

    ,RTRIM(c.country_name) AS 'Country of Bond'


    WHEN a.transaction_currency_id = 1 THEN SUM(a.bond_amt)

    WHEN a.transaction_currency_id != 1 THEN SUM(a.bond_amt)*m.exchange_rate WHERE a.transaction_currency_id = m.currency_id

    ELSE 'Unknown Currency'

    END AS 'Rolling 12 Month Exposure'

    ,SUM(a.gross_written_premium_amount) AS 'Rolling 12 Month Gross Written Premium'

    ,SUM(a.assumed_premium_amount) AS 'Rolling 12 Month Assumed Premium'

    ,SUM(a.total_premium) AS 'Rolling 12 Month Total Premium'

    ,Sum(a.total_commission) AS 'Rolling 12 Month Total Commission'

    FROM Bond_Transaction_History a

    LEFT JOIN lookup b

    ON a.lu_business_segment = b.column_value and b.column_name = 'lu_business_segment'

    LEFT JOIN Country c

    ON a.country_id = c.country_id

    INNER JOIN Office d

    ON a.office_id = d.office_id

    LEFT JOIN Month_End_Close f

    ON a.month_end_close_id =f.month_end_close_id

    LEFT JOIN lookup k

    ON a.lu_line_of_business_type = k.column_value and k.column_name = 'lu_line_of_business_type'

    INNER JOIN account l

    ON a.account_id = l.account_id

    INNER JOIN ##CurrentExchangeRates m

    ON a.transaction_currency_id = m.currency_id

    WHERE a.lu_business_segment in ('6','7') AND a.lu_method_acquisition != 2 AND DateDiff(dd,f.month_end_close_date,GETDATE()) <= 365

    GROUP BY a.account_ID






    ORDER BY d.office_name



    Output this is pre temp table and case statement sample, hopefully you can see that I am trying to convert $ values where Canada and Argentina are listed to USD, this is a partial output, there are multiple countries in the full data output

    Office NameProduct SegmentProduct TypeAccount IDAccount NameCountry of BondRolling 12 Month ExposureRolling 12 Month Exposure AmountRolling 12 Month Gross Written PremiumRolling 12 Month Assumed PremiumRolling 12 Month Total PremiumRolling 12 Month Total Commission

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1111111ACCOUNT 1Canada$43,841,971$0$0$27,372$27,372$0

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1111111ACCOUNT 1United States$126,026,589$468,852$103,325$0$103,325$31,045

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1222222ACCOUNT 2Argentina$2,430,000$0$0$12,002$12,002$2,531

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1333333ACCOUNT 2United States$2,214,242$0$22,142$0$22,142$8,857

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1444444ACCOUNT 3United States$13,217,324$0$16,182$0$16,182$3,364

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 1555555ACCOUNT 4United States$1,013,457$0$2,800$0$2,800$840

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 2111111ACCOUNT 1United States$59,043,142$0-$7,476$0-$7,476-$1,121

    AtlantaProduct 1Type 2666666ACCOUNT 5United States$13,895,346$0$2,571$0$2,571$288

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1777777ACCOUNT 6Canada$275,400$0$0$2,754$2,754$0

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1888888ACCOUNT 6United States$22,500$0$100$0$100$30

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1999999ACCOUNT 7United States$125,000$0$2,875$0$2,875$863

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1111112ACCOUNT 8United States$215,632,647$16,618,162$158$0$158$0

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1111113ACCOUNT 9United States$200,000$0$0$0$0$0

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1111114ACCOUNT 10United States$10,360,226$4,293,041$30,690$0$30,690$6,138

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1111115ACCOUNT 11United States$24,168,939$0$86,244$0$86,244$25,881

    AtlantaProduct 2Type 1111116ACCOUNT 12United States$59,900$0$0$0$0$0

  • WAs able to figure this one out had a problem in the temp table subquery logic which was not returning all instances of most current exchange rate by currency type.

    Here was the fix

    select a.currency_id,



    from Exchange_Rate a

    inner join (

    select currency_id,

    MAX(exchange_rate_id) as 'max_id'

    from Exchange_Rate

    group by currency_id) b

    on a.exchange_rate_id = b.max_id

    order by a.currency_id

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