Migrate SSRS from 2008 to 2012

  • What are the steps to migrate SSRS in 2008 to SQL 2012. Do I have to move 2 ReportServer databases?

  • Moving the databases is indeed an option.

    Migrating SQL Reporting Services to a new server by moving the Reporting Services databases[/url]

    Be aware of the encryption.

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  • 1. Do I have to move ReportServerTempDB too?

    2. Apart from moving ReportDB's, any other way to migrate Reports?

  • balasach82 (2/22/2015)

    1. Do I have to move ReportServerTempDB too?

    2. Apart from moving ReportDB's, any other way to migrate Reports?

    1. In the article I linked to they restore the ReportServerTempDB as well, so I would guess yes.

    2. You can extract all reports and deploy them to the new server. Do you have the reports in Visual Studio?

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    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Restore both of the reportserver databases to the new instance. Some back I tried just the ReportServer database and got an error that I can't remember - restore both and all worked nicely.

    I would do this rather than go back to the source in Visual Studio. By restoring the databases, you will preserve all of the permissions, datasources, subscriptions and any other customisations/updates made after the reports were deployed.

  • If you have already configured ssrs on the new instance then it is more challenging. The best thing to do is to install but don't configure ssrs on the new server. Backup and restore your reportserver and repoetservertempdb databases from previous server over to new one. Then manually configure ssrs from the ssrs configuration manager where you will attach the ssrs databases to your new ssrs instance. Once you do this and start running your reports then they will update and everything should be fine.

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