December 10, 2014 at 12:36 pm
I'm having some issues getting this one. I have a table that has a hierarchical employee structure:
create table hierarchy (
emplid int
,First_Name varchar(128)
,Last_Name varchar(128)
,Report_Emplid int
,Manager_Level smallint
,Manager_Descr varchar(128)
insert into hierarchy values (11234,'Sue','Que',1138,9,'Non-Manager')
insert into hierarchy values (1138,'Sally','Field',4362,7,'Supervisor')
insert into hierarchy values (4362,'John','Smith',3279,5,'Manager')
insert into hierarchy values (3279,'Debra','Jones',4537,1,'Director')
insert into hierarchy values (4537,'Henry','Ford',9458,3,'VP')
insert into hierarchy values (9458,'Val','Pal',5943,13,'Sr. VP')
insert into hierarchy values (5943,'Paul','Simon',5943,0,'CEO')
I'm trying pivot to get the hierarchy on a single row an output to be emplid,supervisor's emplid,manager emplid,director emplid,vp emplid, sr.vp emplid, ceo emplid. The pivot I have below successfully pivots, but because multiple emplid's, there's a row for each ID and only displays they're director report. Is there a way to do this with a simple pivot?
select Emplid,[supervisor],[manager],[director],[vp],[Sr. VP],[CEO]
from hierarchy
pivot(max(report_emplid) for manager_descr in([supervisor],[manager],[director],[vp],[Sr. VP],[CEO])) as p
December 10, 2014 at 12:59 pm
Hi Jeff. it's a bit late in the day for me to get my head around the whole result but the technique you are looking for uses STUFF and FORXML. You will find lots of examples on SQLServerCentral and the interweb in general.
Basically FOR XML turns the results set into a single text block with XML nested tags and the STUFF replaces the tags with whatever code you want.
I have used the technique in the past to identify unique customer compensation journeys where a customer could have an unlimited number of events in any chronological order and I needed to see the whole journey as a single delimited string and then use that string as the GROUP BY clause to count the number of customers with that journey.
The code is horrible (it always is when XML gets involved) but the execution is surprisingly fast.
December 10, 2014 at 1:03 pm
Thanks for the lead, I'll take a look in that direction.
December 10, 2014 at 2:10 pm
This isn't pretty, but it might be what you need to handle one to many relationships between managers and employees.
SrVP.Emplid AS SrVP,
VP.Emplid AS VP,
Dir.Emplid AS Dir,
Mgr.Emplid AS Mgr,
Sup.Emplid AS Sup,
NoMgr.Emplid AS NoMgr
FROM Hierarchy CEO
JOIN Hierarchy SrVP ON CEO.Emplid = SrVP.Report_Emplid
JOIN Hierarchy VP ON SrVP.Emplid = VP.Report_Emplid
JOIN Hierarchy Dir ON VP.Emplid = Dir.Report_Emplid
JOIN Hierarchy Mgr ON Dir.Emplid = Mgr.Report_Emplid
JOIN Hierarchy Sup ON Mgr.Emplid = Sup.Report_Emplid
JOIN Hierarchy NoMgr ON Sup.Emplid = NoMgr.Report_Emplid
WHERE CEO.Emplid = CEO.Report_Emplid
AND SrVP.Emplid <> SrVP.Report_Emplid;
December 10, 2014 at 2:38 pm
Luis Cazares (12/10/2014)
This isn't pretty, but it might be what you need to handle one to many relationships between managers and employees.
Has the appeal of Cusano Rojo:rolleyes:,but it works
December 10, 2014 at 4:14 pm
Jeff Shurak (12/10/2014)
I'm trying pivot to get the hierarchy on a single row an output to be emplid,supervisor's emplid,manager emplid,director emplid,vp emplid, sr.vp emplid, ceo emplid. The pivot I have below successfully pivots, but because multiple emplid's, there's a row for each ID and only displays they're director report. Is there a way to do this with a simple pivot?
Do you actually need the output to have 1 column per position in the "upline" or can it be a single delimited column?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
December 10, 2014 at 7:04 pm
Jeff, the output could be a single delimited line.
This is a 'one time thing' so I ended up getting it to work with something similar to Luis's suggestion. I'm sure we are all aware of how often one time things can turn into all the time things, so I'm certainly interested in finding an optimal solution.
December 10, 2014 at 9:50 pm
Here's the concatenated ID's thing. The only thing that I needed to change in the original data is that the CEO cannot report to him/herself. The CEO reports to the mythical NULL manager.
,First_Name VARCHAR(128)
,Last_Name VARCHAR(128)
,Report_Emplid INT
,Manager_Level SMALLINT
,Manager_Descr VARCHAR(128)
INSERT INTO #Heirarchy
VALUES (11234,'Sue' ,'Que' ,1138,9 ,'Non-Manager')
,(1138 ,'Sally','Field',4362,7 ,'Supervisor')
,(4362 ,'John' ,'Smith',3279,5 ,'Manager')
,(3279 ,'Debra','Jones',4537,1 ,'Director')
,(4537 ,'Henry','Ford' ,9458,3 ,'VP')
,(9458 ,'Val' ,'Pal' ,5943,13,'Sr. VP')
,(5943 ,'Paul' ,'Simon',NULL,0 ,'CEO')
cteDirectReports AS
SELECT *, EmployeeLevel = 1,
HierarchicalPath = CAST('\'+CAST(EmplID AS VARCHAR(10))+'\' AS VARCHAR(4000))
FROM #Heirarchy
WHERE Report_Emplid IS NULL
SELECT e.*, EmployeeLevel = d.EmployeeLevel + 1,
HierarchicalPath = CAST(d.HierarchicalPath +CAST(e.EmplID AS VARCHAR(10))+'\' AS VARCHAR(4000))
FROM #Heirarchy e
INNER JOIN cteDirectReports d ON e.Report_Emplid = d.EmplID
FROM cteDirectReports
ORDER BY HierarchicalPath
Here's what the output from that looks like...
EmplID First_Name Last_Name Report_Emplid Manager_Level Manager_Descr EmployeeLevel HierarchicalPath
------ ---------- --------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------------------------
5943 Paul Simon NULL 0 CEO 1 \59439458 Val Pal 5943 13 Sr. VP 2 \5943\94584537 Henry Ford 9458 3 VP 3 \5943\9458\45373279 Debra Jones 4537 1 Director 4 \5943\9458\4537\32794362 John Smith 3279 5 Manager 5 \5943\9458\4537\3279\43621138 Sally Field 4362 7 Supervisor 6 \5943\9458\4537\3279\4362\113811234 Sue Que 1138 9 Non-Manager 7 \5943\9458\4537\3279\4362\1138\11234
You can find an explanation of how it works (and a lot more) at the following URL. The article there will also lead you to two other articles that will make your life a whole lot easier if you need to work with this type of "Adjacency List" or "Parent\Child" hierarchy for something else.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
December 11, 2014 at 12:48 am
I had a requirement a few years ago to do something similar where the flattened hierarchy where each level was a column, This is the thread the end solution posted in the file BuildHierarchy.txt in the second from bottom post of the first page.
That's rather targeted for that one client, and had a few quirks based on their original data set, but the basis is in the 4th post.
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