xml path comma separated values in sql query

  • Hi

    This is my first time to post my complex query here

    I am facing the critical problem for comma separated values in the column using XML PATH

    Let me explain you in brief now

    I have a table CallDetailReport table with below mentioned structure which stores values like

    CallStartDateTime[DateTime] NodeTraversed[NVarchar(MAX)]

    2014-09-22 03:44:33 Srinivas;vasu;lakshmi;srini;srini

    2014-09-20 09:42:00 vasu;kumar;raj;

    2014-09-21 23:43:11 Srinivas;srini

    2014-09-22 12:33:44 krishh;raj;kumar;Srinivas;srini;

    2014-09-22 01:33:33 vasu;srini;lakshmi;raj;krishh;Srinivas;

    2014-09-21 05:11:09 krishh;raj;srini

    The above table contains lakhs of records per day.

    I need the output like getdate()-1 records to "NodeTraversed" table

    NoOfHits in below is nothing but count of each NodeTraversed

    NodeTraversed Table -output required below:


    CallStartDateTime[varchar] MenuName[varchar(100)] NoOfHits[INT]

    2014-09-22 Srinivas 3

    2014-09-22 vasu 2

    2014-09-22 lakshmi 2

    2014-09-22 srini 4

    Every time i will get previous day records in this way.

    Please help me how to write query for this type of output.

    The below query which is mentioned below is working only for few records but not for lakhs of records.And the count is getting completely wrong with below query.

    select * into #temp



    SELECT convert(varchar,t1.CallStartDateTime,101) as date,


    (SELECT ';' + NodeTraversed

    FROM Call_detail_Report t2

    WHERE convert(varchar,t1.CallStartDateTime,101) = convert(varchar,t2.CallStartDateTime,101)

    FOR XML PATH (''))

    , 1, 1, '')

    FROM Call_detail_Report t1 where convert(varchar,CallStartDateTime,112) = convert(varchar,getdate()-1,112)

    GROUP BY convert(varchar,t1.CallStartDateTime,101)




    INSERT INTO [UIDAI_IVR_DB].[dbo].[Node_Traversed_Summary_Report]

    select t2.date as CallStartDate,t2.item as MenuName,count(t2.item)as NoOfHits



    SELECT * from #temp

    cross apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K_T1(#temp.NodeTraversed,';')


    group by t2.date,t2.item

    order by t2.date


    INSERT INTO [UIDAI_IVR_DB].[dbo].[Node_Traversed_Summary_Report]

    select t2.date as CallStartDate,t2.item as MenuName,count(t2.item)as NoOfHits



    SELECT * from #temp

    cross apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K_T1(#temp.NodeTraversed,';')


    group by t2.date,t2.item

    order by t2.date

    drop table #temp

  • Hi,

    I would suggest using a Tally-table (numbers-table) for this:

    -- table definition and data

    declare @CallDetailReport table


    CallStartDateTime datetime,

    NodeTraversed nvarchar(MAX)


    insert into @CallDetailReport (CallStartDateTime, NodeTraversed)

    select '2014-09-22 03:44:33', 'Srinivas;vasu;lakshmi;srini;srini'

    union all select '2014-09-20 09:42:00', 'vasu;kumar;raj;'

    union all select '2014-09-21 23:43:11', 'Srinivas;srini'

    union all select '2014-09-22 12:33:44', 'krishh;raj;kumar;Srinivas;srini;'

    union all select '2014-09-22 01:33:33', 'vasu;srini;lakshmi;raj;krishh;Srinivas;'

    union all select '2014-09-21 05:11:09', 'krishh;raj;srini'


    -- Create and populate a Tally table

    -- (code-snippet from http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/62867/)


    --===== Conditionally drop

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Tally') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.Tally

    --===== Create and populate the Tally table on the fly

    SELECT TOP 11000 --equates to more than 30 years of dates


    INTO dbo.Tally

    FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1,

    Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2

    --===== Add a Primary Key to maximize performance

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Tally




    -- Main query to group by date (and remove nodes visited only once for the date)

    select convert(char(10), CallStartDateTime, 120), Node, count(*)

    from (

    -- Find words separated by ";" in NodeTraversed

    select CallStartDateTime, substring(R.NodeTraversed, T.N, MIN(T2.N-2) - T.N + 1) AS Node

    from @CallDetailReport R

    inner join dbo.Tally T

    on substring(';' + R.NodeTraversed, T.N, 1) = ';'

    and T.N < len(R.NodeTraversed) -- ignore when ";" is last character

    inner join dbo.Tally T2

    on substring(';'+ R.NodeTraversed + ';', T2.N, 1) = ';'

    and T2.N > T.N

    group by CallStartDateTime, R.NodeTraversed, T.N

    ) X

    group by convert(char(10), CallStartDateTime, 120), Node

    having count(*) > 1 -- remove nodes visited only once for the date

    order by 1, 2

    Good luck!


  • Hi

    Thank you very much.The above query is working fine.

    Now the problem it is taking more time to execute 2lakhs of records per day.

    For 60rows = 6sec

    200000rows=approximately 4hrs

    Please help me now in this.

    how can we fix the above query to execute faster.

    Once again Thank you very much for your time and valuable query.



  • Thanks a lot.We have changed the tally table query which is going inside twice.

    As of now it is working fine.Its just taking 2min for executing 2lakhs records.

    Thank you very much for your help.



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