Side Effecting Operators in SQL

  • Hello Experts

    I have tried to google this but couldn't find a satisfactory reply, so posting this question here.

    What are these side effecting operators in sql, I want to know why they are called so ?

    I know some operators like TRY Catch block is not allowed within function becoz it is a side effecting operator. So how we can say that an operator is side effecting operator.

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  • Yes, exactly these are restricted operators within function.

    But what actually are they and how can we say an Insert/Update/TryCatch as Side effecting when used within function


    In computer science, a function or expression is said to have a side effect if, in addition to returning a value, it also modifies some state or has an observable interaction with calling functions or the outside world. For example, a function might modify a global variable or static variable, modify one of its arguments, raise an exception, write data to a display or file, read data, or call other side-effecting functions.

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