August 19, 2014 at 3:35 pm
I have a begindate and enddate in my report. When I have an expression enddate-begindate in a timedifference column, it shows perfectly as 00:11:16 in the format hh:mm:ss.
Now I need to add an average column. And I am not able to convert 00:11:16 to string or any other datatype so I could use split expression to get the individual parts and calculate total number of average seconds. If I am able to get average seconds, I can convert to hh:mm:ss format bu using a format function.
Could anyone please help me on this one. Is there a way to find the average time difference? I hugely appreciate a quick response. I have been stuck with this for hours. I don't want to change my data query, as it is very complex.
Thank you,
August 20, 2014 at 7:34 am
Hers is the expression I used to get the average which works:
Format(DateAdd("s",avg(DateDiff(DateInterval.Second,Fields!BeginDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value)), "00:00:00"),"HH:mm:ss")
Thank you All
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