SQL Job Truncation Error

  • Updating my local [Event] table with the data from a source SQL box [Event] table. Just need to insert missing records. The table schema is identical in the source and destination tables. The following SQL works fine in SSMS. The job fails with a string or binary data truncation error, only when executed via SQL job. sa owns the job, it should be run under the system context. Wrapped it up in a stored procedure, still no love.

    insert into event (event_id, event_headliner_id, venue_id, event_name, event_date, event_time, active, exchange_modified_dt, merged_event_id, update_count)


    e.event_id, e.event_headliner_id, e.venue_id, e.event_name, e.event_date, e.event_time, e.active, e.exchange_modified_dt, e.merged_event_id, e.update_count


    (select * from openquery(sql1, 'select * from sourceDB..event')) e

    join Venue v on e.Venue_ID = v.Venue_ID

    join Event_Headliner h on e.Event_Headliner_ID = h.Event_Headliner_ID

    join Category c on h.Cat_ID = c.Cat_ID

    left join Event q on e.event_id = q.event_id

    where q.event_id is null

    In a job this yields Error 8152 String or binary data would be truncated while in SSMS this works fine.

    Thanks in advance


  • A trigger that did an insert into a logging table was the cause of the problem. Anyone know why the job would have a problem with a trigger when SSMS did not?

  • different security context...possibly the trigger behaves differently for different users?

  • Deuce (8/7/2014)

    A trigger that did an insert into a logging table was the cause of the problem. Anyone know why the job would have a problem with a trigger when SSMS did not?

    Can I hazard a guess:

    Are you inserting APP_NAME() into the logging table? Is the application name defined as 50 characters in your logging table?

    APP_NAME() in SSMS returns "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query" (46 characters)

    APP_NAME() in Agent returns "SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x4C5CB2CA2CF2C943B072197BED50C058 : Step 1)" (73 characters)

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  • Nice!

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