Forecasting Problem

  • Hello. I have a table of project data. In one column, we estimate the number of hours the project will take. I am having problems creating a query that will forecast how long each will take based on the completion of the one prior to it and using a daily average production rate of let's say 5 hrs/day.

    So several projects could be completed in one day, as long as they didn't exceed the 5 hour production threshhold.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Below is some sample data you could use.

    create table #temp(priority int,project varchar(255),estimatehrs int)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (1,'Project 1',2)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (2,'Project 2',6)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (3,'Project 3',5)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (4,'Project 4',2)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (5,'Project 5',3)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (6,'Project 6',1)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (7,'Project 7',2)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (8,'Project 8',1)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (9,'Project 9',3)

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (10,'Project 10',5)

  • Since you're on SQL 2012, you can use some of the new partitioning functionality to do this. Take a look at this blog post:

    I only have a 2008 R2 instance available to me at the moment so here's what I came up with. This query assume 5 hours/day, and that you are starting work on the projects "today" and that you have all 5 hours of productive work left today to make progress.

    create table #temp(priority int,project varchar(255),estimatehrs int);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (1,'Project 1',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (2,'Project 2',6);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (3,'Project 3',5);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (4,'Project 4',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (5,'Project 5',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (6,'Project 6',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (7,'Project 7',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (8,'Project 8',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (9,'Project 9',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (10,'Project 10',5);



    , t.project

    , t.estimatehrs

    , (SELECT sum(estimateHrs) FROM #temp t2 WHERE t2.priority <= t.priority) AS [TotalWorkingHoursSoFar]

    , DATEADD(DAY, (SELECT sum(estimateHrs) FROM #temp t2 WHERE t2.priority <= t.priority) / 5, CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as date)) AS [FinishDate]

    FROM #temp t

    DROP TABLE #temp;

  • Thanks for your reply, I appreciate you taking the time to help with this.

    After testing your query with a few different scenarios, I came across a slight problem. I have included the scenario data below so you can see what I'm referring to. The priority 1, 2 and 3 projects have a total estimate of 5 hours, so all 3 should be able to be completed today based on our productivity rate of 5 hours/day. However, the priority 3 project is being forecast to be completed by the following day.

    create table #temp(priority int,project varchar(255),estimatehrs int);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (1,'Project 1',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (2,'Project 2',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (3,'Project 3',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (4,'Project 4',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (5,'Project 5',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (6,'Project 6',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (7,'Project 7',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (8,'Project 8',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (9,'Project 9',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (10,'Project 10',5);

  • Try this out. Updated for SQL 2012 as well.

    create table #temp(priority int,project varchar(255),estimatehrs int);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (1,'Project 1',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (2,'Project 2',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (3,'Project 3',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (4,'Project 4',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (5,'Project 5',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (6,'Project 6',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (7,'Project 7',2);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (8,'Project 8',1);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (9,'Project 9',3);

    insert #temp (priority,project,estimatehrs) values (10,'Project 10',5);



    , ProjectHours.project

    , ProjectHours.estimatehrs

    , ProjectHours.RequiredHours

    , DATEADD(DAY, (ProjectHours.RequiredHours / 5) - CASE WHEN ProjectHours.RequiredHours % 5 = 0 AND ProjectHours.RequiredHours >=5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS date))





    , t.project

    , t.estimatehrs

    , SUM(t.estimatehrs) OVER (ORDER BY t.priority) AS [RequiredHours]

    FROM #temp t

    ) AS [ProjectHours]

    DROP TABLE #temp

  • This is beautiful. Thank you very much.

    I was trying with a case like you did, but without success. I am curious about this piece of your code:

    CASE WHEN ProjectHours.RequiredHours % 5

    What is the % doing? I am not familiar with this. I tried researching it but I'm not quite sure what it's called. When I searched for % or percentage I just got inundated with percentage calculation tutorials etc.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • % is the Modulo operator.

    Essentially it returns the remainder of a division operation.

    So 7 % 5 would = 2, since 7 divided by 5 is 1 remainder 2.

    5 % 5 would be 0, since there is no remainder.

  • Excellent, thank you.

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