List current and previous year dept - Query help

  • I have 5 tbls:

    tbl1: Person table contains all person information (name, address)

    tbl2: Dept (contains list of Dept the person worked at: Finance, payroll, HumanResource, etc)

    tbl3: Year (Contains column Years, which contains year values: 2010, 2011, 2012,etc)

    Tbl4: Current Year (this table contains only one column, current year value is 2013)

    tbl5: Dept_Year is a reference table to join Year and Dept

    I was tasked to extract data from person table for year 2014 to list person's current department, and also list person’s previous year Department name if Department is different. For example, the person can belong to Dept1 in 2014, but possibility has worked in Dept2 for year 2013. The query has to return both values.

    Initially I joined all tables as following

    select, Dep.DepAbbr, Depnameforcurrentyear, depnameforlastyear

    from Person Per

    left join ADDRESS ADDR on per.ADDR_PK= ADDR.ADDR.PK

    left join Dept Dep on Per.Dep_PK = Dep.Dep_PK

    left join Dept_Year DY on Dep.YearPK = DY.YearPK

    left join YEAR YR ON YR.YEAR_PK = DY.Year_PK

    Left join CurrentYear CY on CY.CurrentYEAR + 1 = Dept.CSCHOOL_YEAR = YR.CurrentYear

    I am able to list dept name for 2014, but need help to list dept name in 2013. BTW, we might not need to use currentYear table since that table only contains 2013 value (that is why I am adding by 1), instead you can use Year table, take max of Year tbl (which will be 2014 to list current dept name), and take max Year - 1 to get 2013 and display dept name for 2013.

    How would you query it?

  • maybe be easier for us to give you a tried and tested answer if you can please provide set up scripts for create table / insert sample data and the expected results from the sample data.


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • The 5 tables I gave were just an example, the system I am working on is very normalized. I will create a test script and send it shortly. Thank you.

  • Sorry for the late reply, I got busy with other things... Attached is a test file which includes a sample script. The goal is to list person information such as department for the current year, 2014, in addition to previous year, 2013. The Year tbl list all years, 2012, 2013, 2014. The current year shows the current year which is 2014. The dept lists all depts, and the person tbl lists the person. Sorry, I had to make up the information but the actual database is more complex.

    For example lets say you have person A, we need person's dept name for 2014, and person previous dept name for 2013. The output needs to be like following

    PersonName CurrentDept PreviousDept

    Test Person HR Finance

    Thank you so much.

  • lsalih (6/1/2014)

    Sorry for the late reply, I got busy with other things... Attached is a test file which includes a sample script. The goal is to list person information such as department for the current year, 2014, in addition to previous year, 2013. The Year tbl list all years, 2012, 2013, 2014. The current year shows the current year which is 2014. The dept lists all depts, and the person tbl lists the person. Sorry, I had to make up the information but the actual database is more complex.

    For example lets say you have person A, we need person's dept name for 2014, and person previous dept name for 2013. The output needs to be like following

    PersonName CurrentDept PreviousDept

    Test Person HR Finance

    Thank you so much.

    thanks for the script.....sample data seems a little sparse, but I'll take a first guess as something along these lines...maybe what you are after, or maybe not:-)

    ;WITH CTE as (

    SELECT Person.Per_PK

    , Person.Fname

    , Person.Lname

    , Dept.Dept_name

    , Years.D_Year


    FROM Person

    INNER JOIN PerDeptYear

    ON Person.Per_PK = PerDeptYear.Per_PK


    ON PerDeptYear.Dept_PK = Dept.Dept_PK

    INNER JOIN Years

    ON PerDeptYear.Year_PK = Years.Year_PK



    , Fname

    , Lname

    , ISNULL(MAX(case when rn=1 then dept_name end),'') as currentdept

    , ISNULL(MAX(case when rn=2 then dept_name end),'') as previousdept

    FROM cte


    , Fname

    , Lname

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Many thanks to you, it worked. Great help!

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