ssrs 2008 r2 dataset tied to main sql

  • In an existing ssrs 2008 r2 application, I am having a problem trying to understand the existing logic.

    I am hoping you can it explain the logic to me of how the parts are tied together for both part 1

    and part 2:

    1. The following is Part 1:

    a. The main sql the


    sum(case when @AbsT like '%UN1%'

    then [absUN1]

    else 0 end) +

    sum(case when @AbsT like '%AB1%'

    then [absAB1]

    else 0 end) +

    sum(case when @AbsT like '%IL1%'

    then [absIL1]

    else 0 end) +

    sum(case when @AbsT like '%ME1%'

    then [absME1]

    else 0 end) +

    sum(case when @AbsT like '%SU1%'

    then [absSU1]

    else 0 end) +

    sum(case when @AbsT like '%TR1%'

    then [absTR1]

    else 0 end) as SelectedAb1

    FROM [OP1].[dbo].[AttReport]

    where SelectedAb1 > isnull(@AMin,-1)

    and SelectedAb1 <= isnull(@AMax,100)

    b. The following is the dataset and parameter that refer to the sql above:

    @AbsT is the parameter

    select 'AB1' as value, 'Absent (ABS)' as Label


    select 'IL1', 'Ill (ILL)'


    select 'ME1','Medical (MED)'


    select 'SU1','Sus (SUS)'


    select 'TR1','Tru (TRU)'


    select 'UN1','Unverify (UNV)'

    Can you explain to me how the parameter listed above is used by the sql listed above?

    2. The following is part 2:

    a. The following is the sql behind the parameter called AbsMinMax

    select 0 as Num


    select 1


    select 2


    select 3


    select 4


    select 5

    b. the following are the parameter values a user enters:

    @AMin as int,

    @AMax as int,

    c. the following is the where clause:

    where SelectedAb1 > isnull(@AMin,-1)

    and SelectedAb1 <= isnull(@AMax,100)

    Can you explain how the items listed under part 2 are tied together? Can you explain he logic?

  • The query is basically "asking" which column to total, and then setting the query up to accomplish that. It's just a slightly more advanced version of using parameters.

    It's saying something like this:

    I want the user to choose what column he wants manipulated (by picking it in the dropdown).

    Then I'll do some standard thing (use a standard function like SUM) against that column and show the relevant records in my tablix.

    Does that make sense, or did I misunderstand the question? (entirely possible!)

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