Blog Post

PASS Summit Keynote 2 – Release 2



Dr. David DeWitt is getting ready to take the stage to a huge ovation and is thrilled to be back at PASS Summit.

Haha, bring back #BringBackRimma is a twitter tag that he has put in place….looking forward to hearing Dr. David DeWitt speak today…..

  1. Why data warehousing in the cloud
  2. Scalable DW fundamentals
  3. A look at 3 leading competitors

Why Data Warehousing in the Cloud

Reduce time to insights

Dynamic adjust capacity

Appliances will always be the gold standard and cloud is somewhere in between, but there is no “free lunch”

No CapEx and low OpEx

Go from conception to nsight in hours

Rock bottom storage prices

Simple upgrade process

Flexibility to scale up/down compute capacity

Scalable DW Fundamentals

Interesting to see partitioned parallelism as a point that discusses software building blocks.

Hardware failures carrying over into the cloud…..yes this does happen.

What are some alternatives to scalable DW designs? Shared-Nothing and Shared-Storage.

Shared-Nothing is the gold standard; can be designed and scaled indefinitely.

*Storage and compute are co-located*

Shared-Storage is stored on remote storage (SAN, Azure, S3)

Demos occurring………………….


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