Is there a way to change the grouping properties transferred into a subreport?

  • Current: (Report A)

    I. Report A working as needed and will continue to use.

    II. In the tablix 'row group' properties under the Page Break Settings,

    Page Break options are set as follows:

    a. Between each instance of a group is checked

    b. all other choices are not checked.

    c. I use PDF output

    Desired: (New Report A1)

    1. Create new Blank report and use Report A as a subreport.

    2. Maintain grouping from Report A, as explained above except I need

    PAGE BREAKS ON GROUPS to not apply.

    3. Excel output only has one tab and all groups are 'KeepTogether'

    The problem I am having: (how can I fix this?)

    1. Since Report A is default to "Page Break Between each instance of a group" is checked

    it passes this through to the new report A1 through the inserted subreport of Report A.

    2. I am unable to see where I can cancel the PAGE BREAKS ON GROUPS since it is just

    inheriting that from Report A

    3. The Excel output creates tabs for each group.

  • rick.servant (10/28/2013)

    Current: (Report A)

    I. Report A working as needed and will continue to use.

    II. In the tablix 'row group' properties under the Page Break Settings,

    Page Break options are set as follows:

    a. Between each instance of a group is checked

    b. all other choices are not checked.

    c. I use PDF output

    Desired: (New Report A1)

    1. Create new Blank report and use Report A as a subreport.

    2. Maintain grouping from Report A, as explained above except I need

    PAGE BREAKS ON GROUPS to not apply.

    3. Excel output only has one tab and all groups are 'KeepTogether'

    The problem I am having: (how can I fix this?)

    1. Since Report A is default to "Page Break Between each instance of a group" is checked

    it passes this through to the new report A1 through the inserted subreport of Report A.

    2. I am unable to see where I can cancel the PAGE BREAKS ON GROUPS since it is just

    inheriting that from Report A

    3. The Excel output creates tabs for each group.

    The normal BreakLocation is set to Between and this can be disabled using the expression.

    1. Create a hidden parameter on ReportA called something like BREAKONGROUP set a default of 0.

    2. Change the property for within the Tablix Member properties of the group (PageBreak\Disabled) of a group to use an expression such as :

    =iif(Parameters!BREAKONGROUP.Value = 0,False,True)

    3. Add the subreport to the NewReportA passing the parameter 1. When the report is run with the subreport the property will calculate the expression to false (overriding the default) and not break on groups.


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