Backup of msdb stuck in rollback

  • A native full backup of msdb and a Tlog backup on a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise instance (9.0.4053) deployed on a two-node Win2K3 cluster (Microsoft Windows NT 5.2 (3790)) are currently stuck in rollback.

    The msdb DB is in Simple recovery mode but the Tlog is full. The user DB is in full recovery mode. Attempts to add secondary Tlogs are failing due to a 3023 error (regarding the action needing to be serialized).

    Options I'm considering are moving non DB files off the volume to allow for autogrow of the Tlog and instance restart. I've tried changing the state of the DB from multi-user to single-user but the SPID stuck in rollback is blocking. SPID 126 is the session in question below.

    Are there other options I can consider?






    201suspended441LCK_M_U736093DATABASE: 15 [BULKOP_BACKUP_LOG]0






  • I am not sure why backpu is configure like this? msdb is system database and in SIMPLE recovery mode. But you are taking FULL and TLOG backup for the database. Can you remove TLOG backup of MSDB database and try?

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • you should never backup tlogs of databases in simple recovery mode.

    if you are using a T-sql script to do the backup , I suggest you exclude db's with simple recovery mode

    Select name From master.sys.databases

    where recovery_model <> 3

    SQL 2000/2005/2008/2012 DBA - MCTS/MCITP

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